Modern Grails Development with Grails at Greach
I hope you excuse the self promotion. I will be teaching a Grails course just before Greach.
đź“… March 13th-March 14th. đź“ŤMadrid, Spain. 50% off for Greach attendees.
We are going to build a Grails app from scratch and talk about best practices and the latest innovation in Grails ecosystem; GORM data services, JSON Views, Multi-tenancy, GraphQL...
Come two days earlier to Greach and join me!
Building a GORM/GraphQL App with React and Apollo
GraphQL GORM/Grails integration was one of the biggest features in 2017. React is probably the hottest Javascript technology. Read this Grails Guide and learn how to combine both within a Grails app.
Gradle HTTP Plugin
Do you need to make HTTP requests from your build environment? The Gradle HTTP plugin allows the configuration and execution of HTTP requests as Gradle tasks, using HttpBuilder-NG and any of its supported client implementation libraries.
How to compile Groovy before Java in a Gradle Build
If you are mixing Java and Groovy in your build, read this @therealdanvega's post and improve your Gradle game.
Multi-release JARs - Good or bad idea?
@CedricChampeau in a deep blog post.
multi-release jars allow you to package several versions of the same class, for consumption by different runtimes. For example, if you run on JDK 8, the Java runtime would use the Java 8 version of the class, but if you run on Java 9, it would use the Java 9 specific implementation.
If you have programmed for Android, you probably are aware of variants.
Variant-aware dependency management is the idea that modules and artifacts are different beasts. With the same source files, you can target different runtimes, with different requirements.
Exciting to see Android + Java pollination
So far this feature has only been enabled for Android development, but we’re currently developing it for Java and native too!
A List of Different Case Types
Programming involves a lot of naming. We impose different case for constants, method variables, etc. @danielmiessler has put together a comprehensive list of various cases. Snake case, camelCase, lowerCameCase vocabulary.
Gradle 4.5. is out. Build performance improvements keep rolling out.
To honor this release, this issue contains several Gradle links. Enjoy!
Sergio del Amo