About composition and delegation in Groovy
I should write in another issue about @Delegate
Field annotation to automatically delegate part of the functionality of an owner class to the annotated field.
In the meanwhile, @liviutudor shows several bumps in the road you may face while using it.
Know test cases run order in Grails-3 app to help solve issues with "test pollution". . .
Test Leakage is a trap which is easy to fall into. @gpottepalem describes how to enable a more verbose Gradle output while executing tests. A step towards finding the culprit of the test leakage.
Grails Development with Eclipse
If you want to use Grails or Groovy with Eclipse, this blog post will help you to setup your environment.
What’s Groovy about IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1?
If you are a Grails Guide reader, you are probably aware that we recommend to use @CompileStatic
as much as you can. Not just for the performance benefits but as a way to protect against typos
and get better IDE integration. The new version of IntelliJ IDEA seems to make the use of @CompileStatic
easier than ever.
100% Stateless with JWT (JSON Web Token)
@hsablonniere's talk is the best JWT introduction I have ever watched. If you develop web applications, you probably work with security. Thus, you must watch this talk.
March features several Groovy/Grails events.
If you cannot wait for those, this is your weekly dose of Groovy links.
Sergio del Amo