Groovy 3.0: What's Coming
The changes coming in Groovy 3.0 include native support for lambda expressions, method references, default methods in interfaces, and more. These changes and others will continue to make Groovy a natural way to integrate features to existing Java projects as well as improve new Groovy development.
Great article by @kenkousen at Java Magazine. I love that Groovy 3.0 brings compatibility with Java 8 features.
Groovy Podcast - Micronaut
@kenkousen invited me and @ZacharyAKlein to talk about Greach and Micronaut.
JavaMelody monitoring with Grails 3
Latest Grails Guide; learn how to setup and monitor your application using JavaMelody.
The goal of JavaMelody is to monitor Java or Java EE applications in QA and production environments. It is not a tool to simulate requests from users, it is a tool to measure and calculate statistics on real operation of an application depending on the usage of the application by users.
JavaMelody to measure Grails app performance
@MiguelAngelGG82's lighting talk at Greach. Interesting tips about SQL Statistics & driver configuration.
Upcoming Grails Webinars and workshops
📅 April 6 - Database Migration with Grails 3
📅 April 20 - Better APIs with GORM & GraphQL
📅 May 17 - Introduction to Grails Security
📅 May 29 - A Groovy day of Training at GR8Conf EU
Grails + Javascript
Building a Vue.js app with Grails
Grails 3.3.3 includes the new and shiny Vue.js profile. With this Grails Guide, you will build a Vue frontend backed by Grails.
Weekly Vue.js tutorials to guide your journey to Mastery.
Do you want to learn Vue because you cannot wait to use the new Grails Vue profile?. Vue Mastery is Grails Guides in the Vue world.
A collection of Groovy, Micronaut, Java Melody, Vue links. We, programmers, live in a multi-faceted world.
Sergio del Amo