@Remember annotation
@Remember is an annotation which helps you not to forget any temporary solution (aka hacks or quick wins) you have introduced into your code base. You specify the date in the future when you want to revisit the code, e.g. @Remember('2018-04-02'). After this date the code no longer compiles forcing you to re-evaluate if the code is still required or to find more permanent solution.
Actionable TODOs?
Micronaut Workshop
@alvaro_sanchez teaches you how to build a Micronaut application composed of two microservices. With one service using the GORM for Hibernate and the other one GORM for MongoDB. They use Consul as a discovery service and leverage Micronaut's compile-time HTTP Client.
Grails on Travis Basics
In this Grails Guide, we learn how to setup Travis CI to build and test a Grails application.
Executing Gradle builds on Travis CI
Gradle guide which discusses how to configure Travis CI for a typical Gradle project.
Make the most of the logs when running Gradle tests
@TomasZezula shows how to get a verbose output in the terminal when you execute your tests with Gradle. It is handy if you want to check the test output in a Continuous integration environment.
▶ 10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr
This presentation, given by @allspaw and @ph, in 2009 in the Velocity Conference is considered by many the moment where the term "devops" entered common usage.
The takeaways seem as relevant today as they were a decade ago.
- Automated infrastructure
- Shared version control
- One step build and deploy
- Feature Flags
- Shared metrics
- IRC and IM robots
- Respect
- Trust
- A healthy attitude about failure
- Avoiding Blame
This issue contains several links which may help you if you are looking to build/test your software in a Continuous Integration(CI) server.
I must confess that I had limited CI experience before joining the OCI Grails Team. I had used Circle CI to build/test an android app, Xcode Server to build an IOS app and a little experience with Jenkins but it was more experimentation than a tool I could not live without it.
Since I joined the Grails Team, I use Travis daily and heavily. I cannot imagine looking back.
Sergio del Amo