Groovy 2.5.1 released
For this release we focused on fixing up some of the usability/packaging issues that the 2.5.0 release introduced as part of supporting Groovy across JDKs 7 through (soon) 11. Maven/Gradle users not needing JAXB should now have a much improved experience building with the new version. (SUREFIRE users should read the release notes about some caveats).
And what is coming in 2.5.2
In 2.5.2, we should have additional changes to improve the build experience even further for JAXB users and users of the Groovy command-line tools. Please read the release notes for further information
Java 8 Stream Enhancements
This is truly Groovy's spirit. It made easier to work with Collections. Now, it eases to work with Java 8 streams.
Groovy 2.5.0 adds several methods to make working with Java 8 Streams more Groovy. First of all the methods toList and toSet are added to the Stream class.
▶ Test long and prosper
Cas Plattel, from @bol_com_Techlab, describes how they moved every unit, integration and functional test to Spock and Geb from Junit, Cucumber and Fitnesse. As it is often the case: someone in the team, with previous Spock's experience, planted the seed.
The Quest for Simplicity in Java Microservices
Comparison article by @e4developer
In this article, I look at how four different frameworks- Spring Boo, Javalin,Vert.x and Micronaut; approach this quest for simplicity.
Great to see Micronaut already being in the mix.
How to Build Grails 3, MongoDB and Vue.js CRUD Web Application
Great example of using the Grails Vue.js profile by @djamware
Step by step tutorial on build Grails 3, MongoDB and Vue.js Profile CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Web Application
Fixing Gradle dependency resolution when TLS v1.1 and v1.0 support is discontinued
Anyone using Java 1.7 and Gradle should read this post and prepare to upgrade their JDK version. As a Grails user you maybe affected, since Grails 3 still supports JDK 1.7
Ready for GR8Conf US? 25th of July is almost there. I will not be in Minneapolis 🙁. But some of my teammates will be there with presentations and workshops around Grails and Micronaut.
Sergio del Amo