Groovy 15th 🎂
Groovy was announced 15 years ago today by @jstrachan (first commits to public repo was 15 years yesterday). Over 160 releases, 320+ contributors and 100+million downloads later and it's still going strong. Happy birthday #groovylang!"
Dynamic types coercion and promotion
Great blog post by @wololock about dynamic type coercion in Groovy. Personally, I live almost always in Groovy compile static world. Notheless, this is a must read for Groovy developers.
Download an Excel file in Micronaut App
Micronaut supports the sending of files to the client in a couple of easy ways.
With this Micronaut Guide you will learn how to download an Excel file with Spreadsheet Builder library.
Graal Native Image coming to Micronaut
Support for ‪@graalvm‬ native image is coming in the next version of ‪@micronautfw‬ for ‪@java‬ and ‪@kotlin‬
Startup time: 21ms Memory Consumption: 20mb
Full reflection-free Dependency Injection and AOP.
If you don't know what Graal is, you are not alone. See links below.
Download an Excel file in Grails App
Learn how to download an Excel file with Grails and Spreadsheet Builder library.
Java is still available at zero-cost
All the pieces are in place for Java 11 to be maintained as a long-term support release. However, unlike Java 6, 7 and 8, Oracle will not be leading the long-term support effort. In all likelihood, Red Hat will take over this task - they have said publicly that they would like to.
If you ask me, the 6 month release cycle is really bad idea. I don't know what it is the worth of releasing at a pace your customers are not able to follow.
GraalVM is a universal virtual machine for running applications written in JavaScript, Python 3, Ruby, R, JVM-based languages like Java, Scala, Kotlin, and LLVM-based languages such as C and C++.
For Java Programs For existing Java applications, GraalVM can provide benefits by running them faster, providing extensibility via scripting languages, or creating ahead-of-time compiled native images.
The summer is coming to an end and Micronaut RC1 is approaching. Sorry for the silence in the past weeks, I am pretty busy but I intend to resume the weekly-issue pace.
Sergio del Amo