â–¶ Introduction to Grails Multi-Tenancy
This webinar was really great. A lot of people attended and hopefully I conveyed GORM powerful multi-tenancy capabilities. But it was probably, too much content for 1 hour. Thus, the crazy fast pace at the end. Next time, I will trim the content.
â–¶ OAuth and OpenID Connect in plain English
@nbarbettini delivers in his talk what the talk title promises. The best oauth/Open Id talk I have watched.
Introducing the OpenID Connect debugger
If you’ve ever struggled to set up OAuth or OpenID Connect, you’re not alone! I got so tired of fighting with bad requests and cryptic responses that I decided to write a tool to make it easier.
Bookmark it!
I have some special news to share with you today.
I will organize Greach 2019.
đź“… 28th, 29th, 30th March 2019.
📍Madrid, Spain 🎠Luchana Theater.
Speakers: G. Rocher, A. Almiray, G. Laforge, J. Barroso... you?
Why am I doing this?
Several reasons.
I want Micronaut to spread like wildfire and Grails continue to do what has been able to do for the past decade, help build real products. This is why I write this newsletter. This is why I am organizing Greach 2019. As a reward, the success of these technologies, pays me back with amazing opportunities such as the great job that I enjoy at OCI.
Thus, if you want to come to Greach, please visit http://greachconf.com and buy some tickets. Also, this year the conference has a broader spectrum with an Android + JVM langs track. I have myself mobile development experience and I see a really powerful intersection between JVM backend development and Android development .
If you want to be a Speaker at Greach, please fill the call for papers.
Also, this issue contains useful links about Open ID connect which I am integrating into Micronaut. Be sure to bookmark those links.
Sergio del Amo