What's new in Gradle 5.0
📅 Nov 29
- What Gradle’s Kotlin DSL does and who should adopt it
- How to take full advantage of incremental compilation and annotation processing
- Why unexpected dependency version X was selected and how to fix it
- What new task APIs are available in Gradle 5.0
Integrate Geb screenshots into spock-reports.
Reports include a link to the PNG or HTML dump directly where you want to consult them.
Geb ability to take screenshots and HTML dumps is mostly unknown by many developers.
TODAY 🔥 - Micronaut Deep Dive
📅 Nov 26-28
Through lectures, real-world examples, and lab exercises, this 3-day, online workshop will arm you with everything you need to immediately start building fast, lightweight microservice and serverless applications using the Micronautâ„¢ Framework.
Deploy a Micronaut application containerized with Jib to Google Kubernetes Engine
Speaking of hype: Kubernetes and Micronaut together in the same tutorial.
What you'll learn.
- How to package a simple Java application as a Docker container using Jib. - How to create your Kubernetes cluster on Kubernetes Engine.
- How to deploy your Micronaut service into Kubernetes on Kubernetes Engine. - How to scale up your service and roll out an upgrade.
- How to access Kubernetes Graphical dashboard.
[Spanish]Â Write Gradle Plugins
Latest talk at MadridGuG about writing Gradle plugins by @jagedn.
I really need to sit down and finish a couple of Gradle plugins which I have in progress before the year ends.
Languages Kotlin learned from
@abreslav, the lead language designer for Kotlin, talks about Kotlin design ideas. A lot of Java, Scala and C# and yes, some Groovy concepts (it, with, null-safe operator, elvis operator).
I spent the weekend at CommitConf a macro conference in Madrid ( 2000 attendees) which mixes different communities (.NET, Javascript. PHP, Java, ...). I use this conference every year as a thermometer of the next buzz word. This year, I think that it was kubernetes and microservices. So, I checked for a link with both terms just to feed the hype. Enjoy!
Sergio del Amo