CodeNarc 1.3
Back in 2016, I dedicated Issue 27 to Codenarc. If you are working with Groovy and you don’t know what Codenarc is, I think that it is a good starting point.
The use of static analysis gives projects a cohesion. Also, it eases adding new members to a team.
Gant is to be deleted, or will someone preserve it?
Way back in 2006, Gant was an experiment in scheduling Ant tasks and attempted to be a build system. Hans Dockter experiment a lot with it, but in the end Gant was not the way forward and we got Gradle. Excellently done Hans (and Adam). Gant was still used by GINT for a while so was maintained a bit. However Gint3 will now use Gradle. Thus does Gant come to its end of existence.
The gant code has been archived in Github.
Status of GPars
I have come to the decision to stop working on GPars. I have done very little over the last year anyway, there has been no interest at all from the Groovy community, and I am not doing much with Groovy or even the JVM these days – except perhaps some Kotlin for writing the DLanguage CLion plugin.
Micronaut 1.1 Milestone 1 Released
If you are using Micronaut, upgrade your apps to 1.1.0.M1.
We have moved different parts of Micronaut to their own repos so that they can evolve separately. There are new modules as well: Oauth2, RabbitMQ, RSS. Check them out in the documentation page.
The Open Session In View Antipattern
Grails uses an Open Session in View pattern, Micronaut does not. should always fetch just as much data you need to fulfil the requirements of a given business logic use case. Fetching too many columns than necessary has an impact, and that’s why entities are not good candidates for read-only views. In turn, DTO projections are better suited for read-only data sets.
the best way to map a projection to a DTO
fetching entities only makes sense if you plan to modify them. If you are only interested in a DTO projection, it’s more efficient to select only the columns that are really needed by the caller. Assuming we want to select just the id and the title from our Post entities, it would be a waste of resources to select an entire Post entity, so let’s see how you could achieve this goal using JPA and Hibernate.
Greach Agenda is official, buy your tickets now
We have published Greach 2019 Agenda with a great lineup of speakers.
Buy your tickets before the early bird tickets are gone and come to Madrid from the 28th-30th March.
Sergio del Amo