Category to enhance classes
Thanks to a Tweet by @robpumphrey I landed in the groovy documentation and discovered that we can use categories to enhance classes without modifying them.
I am really familiar with the use of Categories because it is quite a common pattern in the Objective-C world. Use with caution they are a great tool.
Yes, I probably should visit more often the groovy documentation. ๐
[Spanish] From Java to Groovy: Adventure Time!
These @ilopmar's slides from his talk at @T3chFest are the best introduction/comparision of Groovy for Java programmers which I've seen in a long time.
The linked slides are in Spanish but they are 95% code so you will be able to follow through without problems
Test driven approaches to documenting restful APIs
We currently have our API documentation in a Wiki page of our Github repository. Yes, I know. Not a very maintainable approach for the long term.
Because of that, @JennStrater's talk caught my attention heavily. This link points to a slides deck but you can check the Github repo too. An always up to date documentation of the API is key for us.
Creating documentation through tests is getting a lot of traction. I recently watched a talk by @vashishthask at GR8Conf India where he advocates the creation of specifications through Geb/Spock tests
[SPANISH]ย Data Driven Testing with Spock
@xala3pa has started a series of Spock posts. This link shows how Spock shines when the only difference in your tests is the stimulus data and the expected outcome. His previous post Spock Framework Basics is a great read too.
I met Alvaro Salazar last December in GGX 2015. His personality as a someone who loves and cares about code came through. These posts, which explain everything from scratch using clear but precise terminology, are a reflect of that impression.
Grails 3, Gradle & Multi-Project Builds
Probably the biggest change in Grails 3 is the use of Gradle. This allows multi project builds with ease. @graemerocher's post explains a new configuration option the Grails team have built into 3.0.14/3.1.1. For multi project builds, this configuration will allow your changes to be reflected into the running application, without restarting
I hope you met the deadline to submit talk proposals to GR8Conf EU which closed yesterday (Valentine day ๐). If you missed it, don't worry. There is a one day GR8Conf in Poland, a country where Grails and Groovy have a lot of momentum. The call for paper for this one day event is still open. Lets go with the links
Groovy Calamari