Reflection Groovy and Java
@enriquezrene_ap shows how Groovy tackles reflection in comparison to Java. Or as you might say: use Groovy to avoid being death by a thousand cuts.
DB Migration Tutorial
If you are not using liquibase, you probably should. Having your database schema under source version control will give you peace of mind. The Database Migration plugin helps you manage database changes in your Grails applications while using Liquibase on the background.
@wpgreenway's tutorial is probably the best introduction to the Grails Database Migration Plugin . The Multiple Step Migration section certainly helped me out this week.
▶ A Grails Quickcast #2: JSON Views
I was really happy to see that the OCI Grails Quickcast is still alive. This time it introduces one of the coolest features in recent Grails development; Json Views.
Watch @jeffscottbrown to learn about JSON Views templates, static compilation ...
▶ GORM Inside And Out
GORM became so good that it has eventually got a life of its own outside Grails. Same as the assets-pipeline. It is still core to Grails but you can use GORM outside a Grails app.
Moreover, it features other implementations than Hibernate; such as Neo4j, Casandra, Redis, MongoDB.
If you ever need to introduce someone to GORM or sharpen your GORM skills, this @jeffscottbrown's video is probably what you need.
Checkout the slides too.
▶ Database migrations with Gradle and Liquibase
Great introduction about why and how to use Liquibase in conjunction with Gradle by @dstine. I find it really cool how his approach involves the whole development life cycle. From development to deployment and continuous integration.
Also, cool to see Codenarc being used to enforce required attributes in a changelog.
Checkout the slides
▶ There's more to Ratpack than non-blocking
I was fortunate enough to attend @marcinerdmann's talk at last GR8Days Warsaw. He conveyed a deep a care about testing. He showed how Ratpack's helps you test (GroovyEmbeddedApp, ApplicationUnderTest...) and other cool framework's features such as Impositions.
The liquibase edition. Get your database schema management in order! Additionally this issue is scattered with some nice Grails links and a great Ratpack talk.
Hope to see you on Friday in Madrid for Greach, please say hello!
Groovy Calamari