How to build an internal DSL using Groovy
Checkout this example by @jeffscottbrown on how to build an internal DSL using Groovy.
Always interesting to glimpse good practices such as the use of the @DelegatesTo annotation
Annotating a Closure method parameter with @DelegatesTo allows the compiler to know what methods are available within the Closure. That is beneficial for several reasons. One is that it enables auto-completion of the DSL methods in an IDE. Another is that it allows the static type checker to be aware of the methods which are valid to invoke inside of the Closure
GORM for SQLAddicts
I โค๏ธSQL. I wish I had read this GORM for SQLaddicts series when I first started learning GORM. Emmanuel Rosa shows how to achieve your SELECTs, JOINs and WHERE clauses with HQL, Criteria and Where queries. A must read for anyone who loves SQL and works with GORM.
A three part blog series which should have been in last week issue focused on GORM.
Example Using Grails Promises
@jlorenzen shows, in an easy to follow example, how to use Grails promises.
I recently used Promises in a Grails service to execute batches of 30 - 40 posts requests against a third party service and wait for all of them to finish before proceeding. I must say promises are really, really elegant in Grails.
Better Grails... I promise
A more in depth analysis by Rob Friesel around Grails Promises.
Next time you see yourself doing several synchronous calls, your mind will alert you to take the asynchronous route.
Grails docs about promises
I normally don't link directly to the Grails Docs. However, the newly docs in Asciidoc are awesome and the asynchronous programming section worth reading several times. I probably comeback to other parts such as Events in futures issues. In the meanwhile go ahead and check the Promises section.
โถVenkat Subramaniam GR8Conf India
@venkat_s advocates to learning many programming languages and then learn more.
The way we design software is heavily influenced by the program languages we know
GR8Conf India has a Youtube playlist, and I was not aware of it. ๐
Do you think SQL all day long, as I do? I found an awesome link which I am sure you will like.
However, this issue focus on Promises. If you integrate with third party services grab a cup of โ๏ธ and read up on Promises. I promise you will like this issue ๐
Groovy Calamari