Groovy, an Open Source Success Story
This article saved my yesterday's morning commute. It is a long overview by @paulk_asert. He covers aspects of Groovy which are normally not discussed. Topics such as Sponsorship or project’s governance.
Don't worry about my safety. I enjoyed it as text to speech. Hands on the wheel. 🚗
Run Code at a Specified Time
This week I needed to run a method after an interval of time. My initial thoughts were to schedule a Quartz Job but it seemed too complicated. I ended up using Groovy runAfter method.
As it usually happens, @mrhaki to the rescue.
Make Your Testing Groovy
This deck by @paulk_asert is a overview about different testing topics; Utilities, Runners, Tools Drivers. He traverses topics such as Property-Based Testing, Constraints programming. Always explaining how Groovy applies with different Case Studies. High-Level, grab a ☕️ before you start reading it.
▶ What will a Groovy DSL Look Like in 2016
For @CedricChampeau a DSL should be focused, readable, practical and embeddable.
In this talk he discusses how to achieve this in Groovy with the help of Closures (DelegatesTo annotation), Compilation Customizers, AST transform, Type checking extensions...
▶ Groovy Tutorials
@virtualdogbert has a playlist in Youtube were he covers several Groovy topics (Groovy truth, closures, operators, scripts, ...).
Moreover, he has a Groovy introductory playlist if you want to start from scratch.
Spock vs JUnit
@andres_viedma, a Java lover, compares JUnit and Spock. His deck highlights why Spock is their testing framework of choice at Tuenti and why they use it to test their Java code. An example of Spock being used to test non Groovy applications.
Using Wrapper for Running Grails Commands Without Grails Installation
As illustrated by @mrhaki, Grails wrapper is not a new concept. Grails 2, since 2.1, had a wrapper. Grails wrapper is back in Grails 3 starting with Grails 3.2.3. If you maintain multiple Grails projects with different versions, using the wrapper maybe quite handy.
As someone who writes a weekly Groovy newsletter, the upcoming G3 Summit is huge news to me. Although I am not attending the conference, I will follow it closely and I will probably point to interesting slides shared by the speakers in next week issue.
In today's issue we have mostly Groovy topics; from testing to DSLs.
Groovy Calamari