Top 5 Things that make me love Scripting in Groovy
I am sure you probably know most Groovy's goodies explained by @groovyalgorithms in this post. Personally I learned about the withDefault method.
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List of Groovy versions for each version of Grails
IgorShults has compiled a list of Grails versions and their Groovy companions. Keep it in in your bookmarks to avoid pesky bugs.
Grails and the real-time world
@ilopmar posted slides and a companion Github project of his talk at GeeCON Krakow 2015. I had to cope with exact problem Ivan describes in his slides. A time consuming PDF generation and email delivery which was unnecessarily delaying the user response. I used runAsync. Ivan illustrates a couple of other solutions. Looking forward to the video of this talk, if it ever get released.
Boosting the performance for Gradle in your Android projects
Gradle 2.4 brought a huge performance boost. @ErikHellman explains how to use 2.4 in Android Studio. He explains how to enable the Gradle daemon and parallel build for your project. If you are working with Android, go read it.
Groovy Fundamentals - O'Reilly Media
@kenkousen has published a Groovy video series in O'Reilly. I watched the free videos and as you may expect from an O'Reilly production it has the quality of professional teaching material. I am a fan of services such as TeamTreeHouse or Raywenderlich video tutorials. So, I am glad to see Groovy quality training being produced in video format. This kind of material can be a great asset for a company training Groovy development team.
More GreachConf videos
Greach Conference crew posted 12 new videos to their youtube channel. I am watching the talks which I missed during the conference. We are building an Android App in my company. If you too work in a project which involves an Android App, don't miss Building Android Apps with Gradle by @breskeby.
Below you will find a link to professional training video material for Groovy. We need more training and we need to teach more about Groovy. Some people learn with books, other learn with video. The latter is taking off in the last years. If we want to encourage Groovy's adoption we need more video. Not just Conference video talks, which are normally pretty advanced. We need video oriented for programmers with no Groovy experience. Video explaining the basics. I usually watch every year the Standford iOS course. Every year I learn something new about the language or platform. We should strive for this teaching material too in the Groovy ecosystem.
Groovy Dev Weekly