Grain: Static website building framework for Groovy
Grain is a wide-purpose static site generator, designed for websites of any complexity and structure. Grain utilizes the full power of Groovy for page templates and supports a variety of markups. Grain provides everything you need to create a company website, project documentation, or a personal blog.
When not in Grails, I am mainly a Wordpress user. However, the OCI Grails team takes automation deployment to the extreme, and I am discovering the goodness of static website builders. Thus, I may give Grain a try soon.
Practical and Stupidly Impractical Groovy DSLs
Back in Issue 45 I linked to @craigburke1's slides. GR8Conf US published his talk video to Youtube.
Specially interesting is the part where he talks about Groovy Document Builder, a Groovy DSL which helps you work with Word or PDF documents.
Groovy Calamari Support
Getting Started with Grails 3
If you have not yet started with Grails 3, this GR8Conf US talk by ColinHarrington is a good starting point.
Checkout the slides.
Grails TagLib - Trix Rich editor
This week we have published a guide which shows you how to create a Grails TagLib and integrate the excellent Trix Editor developed by Basecamp.
We used Basecamp as a project management tool in my previous job and the editor is really a piece of art.
Custom Data Binding with @DataBinding Annotation
mrhaki shows us how to customize the default Grails data binding with the @DataBinding annotation.
He illustrates it with a really good example. He binds a string composed by different tokens to a custom object.
This week I have been working in a Grails 2 app. Man, how much cooler Grails 3 is.
Additionally, I have coded my first Angular 2 lines. In the past years, I developed in Grails and in mobile ( iOS and Android). I watched the Javascript framework revolution from distance. Now, I am getting back to the front-end trenches.
Moreover, Grails Guides continue to pick up steam ππ».
Sergio del Amo