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GR8Conf EU two ticket give-away for underrepresented group in the Groovy community
Women are an underrepresented group eligible for the ticket. Groovy's community is probably its biggest strength. If you are a woman or you belong to an underrepresented group, do not hesitate, apply for the tickets and join the community.
๐ข: GR8Conf EU's speaker list already contains several interesting names.
GORM 6 with Ratpack
@JacobAae shows how to use GORM outside the Grails world. GORM keeps growing and getting more interesting. It is possible to use in conjunction with other technology pieces such as Ratpack.
Using Domain Classes Without Persistence
Did you know you can use Grails' domain classes without GORM and benefit nonetheless from functionality such as RestfulController. Great post by @mrhaki.
Deploy a Grails 3 app to Pivotal Web Services
With CF CLI command line utilities or with a Gradle task, the deployment of a Grails 3 app to PWS is easy.
We plan to add more deployment guides to Grails Guides.
โถ HasMany considered harmful
@burtbeckwith's talk at GR8Conf India. He warns about the use of hasMany in Grails applications. He explains how to avoid those traps and avoid performance problems in the future.
โถ Advanced GORM - Performance, Customization and Monitoring
Ancestor of the previous link; the famous @burtbeckwith' talk Advanced GORM performance, Customization, and Monitoring at SpringOne 2GX 2011.
In the second part of the talk, he talks about 2nd Level Caching which is a topic hardly never discussed.
Implementing Burt Beckwithโs GORM Performance โ No Collections
@mr_paul_woods shows a hands-on migration from hasMany traditional model to hasMany free world.
I personally like to keep my domain models anemic. Thus, I would move the getItems and deletion logic to a service.
Advanced Gradle Fundamentals for Java/JVM
I have recently completed this Gradle training and I am glad I did it. I am using the lessons learned since day one at work. 100$ for a four day / online training to take up your Gradle game to the next level.
How to log the order of your tests with Gradle
@mvieghofer show you how to leverage Gradle Test task capabilities to get a report of the tests' order and their result. Gradle facilitates the creation of reports with TestListener's methods.
This issue explores GORM outside Grails Realm and invites you to learn its black magic (hasMany). Leverage it to its maximum potential.
Sergio del Amo