Demos from GORM 6.1
Last week, I mentioned that for me Greach's highlight was GORM Data Services. This item links to a repository. The repository tests showcase GORM new capabilities.
How to test Domain class constraints?
Constraints validation is one of the coolest features of Grails. You can apply them to Domain classes, command objects, URL Mappings. This week we published a Grails Guide focused on domain class constraints testing.
Key take-away:
When you pass a list of Strings to the validate method, the validate method will only validate the properties you pass. A domain class may have many properties. This allows you to tests properties validation on isolation.
Testing Grails 3 workshop
@alberto_deavila 's workshop at Greach. He covers units, integration and functional tests. Follow the workshop with the Slides and repository.
Building a Microservice Federation with Grails & Spring Cloud
I entered @jackfrosch's workshop at Greach a bit intimidated. He promised to create a microservices federation with two Grails apps plus Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul. I had no experience with any of the Netflix Open Source technologies. Thus, I was not sure to be able to follow the workshop.
However, Jack is a wonderful presenter. He presented all the pieces involved and layout the knowledge to complete a Step-By-Step Asciidoc Repository with the workshop.
Elegant Builds at Scale
@hans_d founder of Gradle and CEO of Gradle Inc. spoke at St. Louis Groovy & Grails meetup.
Especially, interesting the part where he talks about incremental compilation. Moreover, He talks about composite builds, build scans
Composite Builds with Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA
@trisha_gee and @StefanOehme talk Gradle Composite Builds:
Composite Builds is a feature introduced in Gradle 3.1 to provide a way to decompose large multi-project builds into smaller, more isolated chunks that can be worked in independently or together as needed. When needed, binary dependencies are automatically replaced with project dependencies. When you make a change to an upstream component, it is immediately visible to its dependents.
I am still linking to a lot of content from Greach. Lots of Grails and GORM.
Moreover, this issue contains two links to Gradle content. Gradle keeps getting better and better. I hope Groovy, and not just Java, benefit for those improvements in a near future.
Sergio del Amo