Bots at community service
@codingandrey collaborates heavily with Latcraft
We are community of awesome Latvian software craftsmen. Each month we host an event where we invite amazing speakers from across the world.
In his talk at GR8Conf EU, he shows how they have built a ChatBot called Craftbot which get deployed to AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway. It takes commands from Slack, and it allows them to automate task such as event image uploading, email campaigns delivery, etc.
Craftbot Event Manager is not the only bot project they have in the pipeline; they have custom voting hadware and an event dashbaord
Using the Old Method
On my flight back from GR8Conf EU, I started reading Spock Up & Running. I've read one third of the book and I cannot but recommend it.
One of the methods, which gets described in those introductory chapters is the old method. mrhaki has a post which nails the use case.
Spock killer features: the old method
@rfletcherEW explains how Spock old method works under the hood.
Static code analysis in a Grails 3 app with CodeNarc
CodeNarc helps you code better. If you are working on a team, you can create and/or agree on rules which shape your team's coding style.
This week Grails guide shows you how to setup CodeNarc in a Grails 3 app (easy thanks to Gradle) and how to create a custom CodeNarc rule in a Grails Multi-Project Build. Being able to write your own rules gives you a lot of possibilities. Back in Issue 27, I linked to many CodeNarc resources. One of those links showed an example of how to use CodeNarc to detect vulnerabilities and improve security.
Vaadin8 Grails 3 Profile
Vaadin is a framework which helps you build single-page web UIs for JVM applications. I have worked in the past with similar frameworks such as ZK. You probably have worked with similar technologies too. Vaadin seems more polished than those technologies. I attended @maciejprzepiora talk at GR8Conf EU about Vaadin and Grails, and I am intrigued about both frameworks playing together.
He has created a Grails 3 profile which allows you to have both regular Grails 3 endpoints and Vaadin enpdoints.
Create an app with the profile:
grails create-app foo --profile me.przepiora.vaadin-grails:web-vaadin8:0.2
Run the app and visit:
[BOOK] Vaadin 8 on Grails 3
It seems many people used Vaadin with Grails 2. There are books about it:
Back from GR8Conf EU. Great time and a lot of interesting material. I am myself quite a dev-ops newbie. However, I found the dev-ops day as a nice addition to the conference. The rest of the conference (coffee, beer, food, venue) was flawless. Kudos to @sbglasius and the rest of crew for putting together such a great show.
I met in person some of Groovy Calamari subscribers. Awesome thing!
I even brought to my daughter something Danish, a Lego's kit. 🙃
Sergio del Amo