[BOOK] Learning Groovy
@adamldavis`s book is now available for pre-order!
What You'll Learn
- Grasp Groovy fundamentals, including the GDK or Groovy Development Kit
- Master advanced Groovy, such as writing Groovy DSLs
- Discover functional programming in Groovy Work with GPars, the built-in concurrency library
- Use Gradle, the build system
- Master Grails, the web application framework
- Work with Spock, the testing framework
- Harness Ratpack, the reactive web library
Groovy – One Language to Rule Them All ?
Are you looking for a list of Groovy features to include in your proposal about why you should use Groovy in your company?. You have a 35 items list in this blog post.
Spring Boot with GORM
A Grails Guide which shows how easy it is to integrate GORM with Spring Boot. If you are using Grails, GORM is a natural choice. However, if you are using another framework such as Ratpack, Spring Boot, you may consider GORM as a data access toolkit.
▶ Why IntelliJ IDEA is the Premier IDE for Grails 3?
IntelliJ has posted the recording of the Webinar. If you use Grails and IntelliJ, watch this video.
You will see that you can develop Grails 3 apps with IntelliJ IDEA Community IDEA; build, run, debug. It is entirely okay and productive. Grails 3 using Gradle is a big part of it.
However, the Ultimate edition shows other capabilities. GSP editor, wizard for creating artefacts, a visual representation of the relationship between domain classes...
Moreover, learn how to attach a remote debugger to a Grails 3 app with IntelliJ.
Accelerating developer productivity with Gradle
@craigatk1 talk at GR8Conf US 2017.
He covers:
- Incremental Builds
- Build cache
- Compile avoidance & incremental compiler
- Gradle Daemon
- Worker API
- Continuous build
- Composite build
- Build Scans
- Gradle Enterprise
Each of those points deserves individual links to understand them better. I will probably do just that in next issues. However, this slides deck is a powerful collection of links on its own. Bookmark it.
▶ A Test Driven Approach to Documenting RESTful APIs with Groovy and Spring REST Docs
I like a test driven approach to creating API documentation. It forces you to do functional tests against your API which will ensure the security configuration is in place and the API behaves as you expect it.
@codeJENNerator talk at Code Europe compares different approaches with their pros and cons. Mainly Swagger and Spring Rest Docs. She settles in Spring REST Docs and how to use it in various scenarios: Spring Boot, Raptack ...
Check out the Slides
Spring REST Docs Grails Sample
Do you want to see an example of Grails 3 and Spring REST Docs? Clone the linked repository and run ./gradlew asciidoctor.
The API Docs are generated at build/asciidoc/html5/index.html
I hope you are enjoying the summer 🏖I am still digesting GR8Conf US content. Links to talks of GRConf US will appear here soon.
In the meanwhile, this issue is a mix of Groovy, Grails, Gradle and test driven ✅ documentation.
Sergio del Amo