Conferences & Events
Greach Conf Talks and Links
@tomaslin published a nice collection of Greach talk links.
My favourite was @saschaklein talk Groovy on the Shell.
Most people I talked with, found @trisha_gee Is Groovy better than Java for Testing among the best talks in the conference. Unfortunately I missed it :-(
Grails has a new home at OCI
@graemerocher, @jeffscottbrown join OCI team as well. Having the original contributors still heavily involved means great news for Grails. In case you are wondering, OCI is an IT solutions engineering firm.
Cédric Champeau joins @Gradleware
Groovy recently joined the Apache Software Foundation. Now some of the key people involved are finding new gigs.
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What's new in Grails 3
@mscharhag posted a nice review of the changes introduced in Grails 3. There are a lot of changes, so prepare yourself a cup of coffee and dive in.
Greach Conference Tracks Streaming
Before Greach Video is published we can enjoy the streaming video of both track 1 and track 2 recorded by AutentiaMedia.
First Groovy Dev Weely Issue
Inspired by @aalmiray talk in the Greach Conference, I have decided to create a weekly newsletter about the Groovy Ecosystem. I want to send a curated list of the most interesting links every friday. So, let's get started.
Groovy Dev Weekly