Conferences & Events
Groovy & Grails Event in Azerbaijan
Hosted in the Qafqaz University tomorrow takes place a Grails & Groovy Event in Azerbaijan. I count myself among those who are worried about Groovy's community size. Finding this event encouraged me about Groovy's reach.
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Jeff Brown is interviewed about Grails 3.0 changes
@mraible published on InfoQ an interview with Jeff Brown. He talks briefly about the changes in Grails 3.0 and what does it take to move an app from Grails 2.0 to 3.0.
Promising talk: Database Migrations with Gradle and Liquibase
Gradle Summit (June 11 - 12, 2015 in Santa Clara, CA) features a really interesting talk by Dan Stine.
We've been using Liquibase in my company for half a year and I could not picture us going back. If you can wait for the talk, check the Gradle liquibase plugin.
Cédric Champeau talks about Groovy's recent move to the Apache Foundation
Cédric talks as well about how to contribute to Groovy community, his view on Swift and Groovy's roadmap.
@Voxxed filmed this interview at Devoxx France 2015
Greach 2015 Videos
Some of the Greach 2015 videos have been published to the conference Youtube channel. If you could not attend, I highly recommend you to check out the videos.
jOOQ, get back in control of your SQL
@kyleboon talk Fluent SQL with JOOQ in GR8Conf US pointed me to jOOQ. jOOQ can be used with groovy and it looks great if you want to write SQL queries directly. That it is something that I really want to do sometimes.
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