Why is Springβs Health Down, Down, Up, Up, Up and Down again?
@tvinke's Halloween tale about Spring Boot Actuators, Load balancers and DiskSpaceHealthIndicator.
Read this blog post to understand how to use of Spring Boot actuators in a Grails 3 app.
Change the port of actuator endpoint in a Grails application
Run your app in 8080 and your actuator endpoints in 9000. Good tip by @marcopas
When using actuator endpoints to expose metrics in a Grails (Spring Boot) application, it may be useful to run the metrics on a different port. This enables you to hide the metrics for the public and use the different port in an AWS infrastucture so that the metrics are only available internal.
Please note that it is easy to change the default port(8080) of a Grails 3 app
Live Webinar: Grails 3 for Spring Developers
Price: Free.
Location: Online
Date: November 9th, 2017
Time: 12:30-1:30PM CST
Spring Developer Advocate, @starbuxman, and Grails co-founder, @jeffscottbrown, introduce the Grails framework from the perspective of a Spring developer and demonstrate how these awesome technologies play so well together.
Functional Rest API Testing with Grails/Rest Client Builder
Grails Guide's functional tests use Rest Client Builder to hit JSON endpoints.
@marcopas shows how to add Rest Client Builder to your project and how to use it from your Spock Integration tests.
Note: replace 8080 with ${serverPort}. Integration tests start at a random port. serverPort property, which gets injected automatically, tells you which port.
Create a Docker image that contains your Grails application
@marcopas shows in a step-by-step blog post how to create a docker image of a Grails app.
I think any framework which generates a FAT Jar could use this recipe.
Understanding the Gradle Wrapper
Almost everyone reading this newsletter uses the Gradle wrapper daily. @bryancherbst explains what the Gradle wrapper does, what are the different files, how to upgrade to a newer version of Gradle.
Spring Boot Admin
I have not installed Spring Boot Admin. But just by looking at its README file, it seems to be a great way to centralize the monitoring of multiple Spring Boot / Grails applications.
This is a simple admin interface for Spring Boot applications.
This application provides a simple UI to administrate Spring Boot applications. > It provides the following features for registered application.
- Show health status
- Show details, like
- JVM & memory metrics
- Counter & gauge metrics
- Datasource metrics
- Cache metrics
- Show build-info number
- Follow and download logfile
- View jvm system- & environment-properties
- Support for Spring Cloud's postable /env- &/refresh-endpoint
- Easy loglevel management (currently for Logback only)
- Interact with JMX-beans
- View thread dump
- View traces
- Hystrix-Dashboard integration
- Download heapdump
- Notification on status change (via mail, Slack, Hipchat, ...)
- Event journal of status changes (non persistent)
Happy ππ
Grails is built on top of Spring Boot. Thus, it can benefit from Spring Boot features. This issue contains several Spring topics. Enjoy, learn.
Sergio del Ao