How Languages Influence Each Other: Reflections on 14 Years of Apache Groovy
@glaforge talk at JavaOne 2017. A slide deck to review whenever we feel like our favourite programming language is unique and special and the others are just copycats.
Ultimately, inspiration is really a two-way street, as languages don't come from nowhere and inherit from their older brothers and sisters. No language is perfect, but each one of them somehow help the next ones to get better, by borrowing here and there some nice features that make developers more productive and write more readable and maintainable code.
Dependency management with Grape
Groovy is great for scripting and Grape is a key player.
Grape is a JAR dependency manager embedded into Groovy. Grape lets you quickly add maven repository dependencies to your classpath, making scripting even easier.
or with @mrhaki words:
In our Groovy scripts we can use the @Grab annotation. With this annotation we define dependencies for our script and they will be automatically downloaded and added to the class path when we run our script.
Download Grab Dependencies In IntelliJ IDEA
@mrhaki shows a nice IntelliJ IDEA Groovy feature. No wonder that IntelliJ continues to dominate IDE field.
Add Git Commit Information To Info Endpoint
What better way to uniquely identify the code running in production than using the git commit info. @mrhaki shows us how to do it.
I would recommend wrapping appy plugin with something like this:
if ( new File("${rootProject.projectDir}/.git").exists() ) { }.
It will allow your app to run even if your project does not have a .git folder. For example, if someone downloads the ZIP file of your app from GitHub.
Note: Back in Issue 72, I linked to the Grails Guide: Adding Commit Info to your Grails Application. An in-depth example of the same topic.
▶[SPANISH] Grails and Pivotal Cloud Foundry: Friends or Foes?
In the latest Madrid Groovy User Group, @kikers25 talked about Grails deployment to Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Although key, deployment is one of the most under-covered topics.
Check the slides Slides too.
Real World Java 9
Winter came in Game of Thrones, so did Java 9 in the JVM world. We need to learn about it and do the work necessary to embrace it. @trisha_gee guides us in this webinar through the main changes coming into the latest version of Java. The new module system is a massive change which we should all understand.
The questions and answers at the end of the page are worth reading!
This week, the new Grails redesign is being rolled-out. The most obvious change is the replacement of green by orange. Same as you, I have associated Grails with green for many years. Humans are adverse to change. And some of you may not like it. Just, give it a fresh-mind. Grails has evolved massively over the years, and it was about time to provide a fresh aspect.
But more importantly, we have carefully changed other parts of the website to give more visibility to different documentation and learning resources. Grails has been modularized into many components ( JSON Views, GSPs, Async, Testing Framework). This new design aims to help you find and consume this information.
Please hit the reply button and let me know if you find stuff which does not look good or does not work as you may expect.
Sergio del Amo