▶ Groovy Goodness
@mrhaki's talk at GR8Conf US left me jaw dropped. I barely scratch the surface of what Groovy can do!.
Find one hour, open the video in one window, the Groovy Console on another window and enjoy.
You can find the code samples in Github.
Create Groovy Refreshable Beans!
@kenkousen is a classic in this email newsletter. His blog posts or talks are always scattered with humor, which make them easy to follow and learn with. In this post he shows how to create a Groovy refreshable bean and deploy it to a live production environment. Use it at your own peril!
Spring Security Plugin in Grails 3!
It is finally here!!. It is finally here!!. Thanks to @burtbeckwith and everyone involved to make this happen!
Exploring Grails 3
@pledbrook’s post analyzes the pains and joys of migrating a Grails 2 project to Grails 3. I’ve have experienced myself the same confusion with the configuration changes and suffered most of the pain points which Peter describes. Specially agree about Deployment. It is an issue which is sometimes overlooked.
Peter’s tone left me with a sombre feeling. However, lets be optimistic. Some of difficulties have been addressed. Spring Security Plugin for Grails 3 have been released, the bean properties overrides bug was fixed in Grails 3.0.4. I personally think that the move to Gradle, although painful in the beginning due to the plugins impact, pushes the framework in the right direction.
▶ GVM: The Groovy enVironment Manager
@marc0der talk at GR8Conf US is a great introduction to GVM. You will learn how is built, why and where it is headed to (SDKman). Check out the GVM Talk slides
Embarrassing, I did not discover GVM until Greach Conference 2015. I used to have multiple grails folders under my Applications folder in OS X. :-( Of course, now it is GVM everywhere.
If you are not yet using GVM, please watch this video.
It is always great to discover how others build software. I discovered thanks to this talk too.
▶ Vert.x - YouTube
@rappleg's talk at GR8Conf US is good introduction to Vert.x. Personally, I have not experience with it but it looks like a great option to handle a lot of concurrency and build microservices. Moreover, the benchmarks are impressive!
We are busy as ever in Shoptimix but I've been watching a new set of videos which were published to GR8Conf US Youtube channel a week ago. Because of that this issue contains some video links, couple of really interesting posts and a big announcement in the Grails 3 Plugin ecosystem.
Groovy Calamari