Compiling Groovy code statically
@vinay10789 talks about how to use @CompileStatic annotation with Groovy. If you are using Groovy on Android, @CompileStatic is going to be your best friend.
I knew about compile static before reading this post but I learned how to skip the static compilation for a single method ;-)
Spocklight: Optimize Run Order Test Methods
@mrhaki shows in this post how to configure Spock to run failing methods before successful methods. This may seem like a minor thing but I see it as a huge productivity boost.
Working with Stripe in Grails
Vivek Sadh published a short post which illustrates the few steps necessary to integrate stripe as payment solution for a Grails Application.
It is really easy to integrate Stripe. I integrated Stripe a while ago in (a grails 2 webapp). Moreover, if you are selling non digital goods. Stripe could work really well for a project which involves Android/iOS/Web platforms. They have SDKs for both iOS and Android.
As far as I know Stripe Grails plugins has not been yet ported to Grails 3.
▶ Leveraging Gradle in Grails 3.0 - Gradle Summit 2015
A lot of Gradle Summit 2015 videos have been published to their Youtube Channel. One, which caught my attention was lhotari talk; Leveraging Gradle in Grails 3.0. If you want to get a deeper insight about about how Grails 3 uses Gradle, watch this video.
For your Trivia notebook: Grails has been using Gradle since 2008.
▶ RESTful Web Services in Grails 3
Grails 3.0.5 release includes a web-api profile to streamline the creation of REST-API projects. Perfect timing to link to @jennstrater talk at GR8Conf US which is a nice introduction about REST services with Grails. Checkout the slides too: Slides
I posted a comparison between default web and web-api grails 3 profiles.
Web frameworks
Getting Started With Gradle and the Spark Framework
@eddiezane posted an easy to follow tutorial which illustrates how to integrate several APIs (Twilio, Spotify) with Gradle and the Spark Framework.
This link pointed me to a great tool to secure tunnels to localhost: ngrok. Great library if you ever interact with APIs which need to callback to your server.
Gradle summit 2015 gave us a ton of videos to watch in the last weeks. This issue contains some mentions to that content. Additionally, I have included some links to topics about Groovy, Spock and Grails. You will consume the content fast and learn a couple of tricks.
Groovy Calamari