Pass zero args to methods that expect one
Read this @IgorShults's post to dodge a bullet in your future code changes.
Asynchronous Google Chart Data With jQuery in Grails
@tvinke explains in a very detailed post how to draw charts using Google Chart and a Grails Controller which send JSON back.
I've done something similar for another Grails application using gRaphaël. Ted's code looks much simpler in the Javascript side.
How to deploy a Grails 3 app to AWS Beanstalk and CloudFront CDN — Medium
@benorama seems to have written this post just for me. Right now I deploy a Grails 3 app manually to AWS Elastic Beanstalk in @shoptimix. Yes, I generate a war file and upload it with the wizard 😊.
From now on, you know who is going to do a lot of gradle deploy...
Spring Session Redis with Grails 3
Grails 3 is based on SpringBoot. @nulleric's post is an example of some of the benefits this relation creates. Eric Helgeson explains how to use Redis to persist session information outside tomcat and thus make zero downtime deployments possible.
Android / iOS
Android Groovy Templates
@marioggar published a set of Lazybones templates for Groovy on Android. I've tested the Android Library template to setup grooid-wpapi . They work like a charm to speed up the configuration necessary to use Groovy on Android.
I found about this set of templates after watching Mario's talk at the latest Madrid GUG. Video - Spanish / Slides - English.
It seems more and more people are beginning to use Grails 3 in a production environment. So more content is being published about development and dev ops with Grails 3. This issue is packed with Grails 3 content and I am loving it.
Groovy Calamari