Friends of Apache Groovy - Open Collective
This collective does accept cash contributions and uses those to support the Groovy community in an unofficial capacity. This is intended to augment the activities of the official project rather than overlap in any way. The collective may choose to use funds to:
develop features for Apache Groovy (see disclaimer below) sponsor outreach activities (e.g. educational events in cities which might not otherwise be visited by the popular conferences) cover travel expenses to promote Groovy (when other sources of travel funding aren't available).
Guide to I/O in Groovy
Working with I/O is one the best features of Groovy. @amrathay wrote a wonderful tutorial.
reading and writing files, traversing file systems and serializing data and objects via Groovy’s File extension methods.
An Introduction to Traits in Groovy
I am a big fun of Traits in Groovy. Probably my favourite Groovy's feature. If you embrace traits, your code will use composition and almost eliminate inheritance. Goodby to those pesky BaseXXXX classes.
A trait is a really effective way to add common implementations and functionalities throughout our classes. In addition, it allows us to minimize redundant code and makes code maintenance easier.
Last Early Bird Tickets for Greach
Please, don't wait and purchase your Greach tickets now. We are closing the early bird tickets in the next days.
Groovy Calamari Support
Groovy Calamari Podcast Website
I've written a new website for the Groovy Calamari Podcast. I hope you like the new home and enjoy the podcast. There are several episodes and I think they help to learn more about some of the community members:
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Grails Support & Consulting
Gain direct access to the team of architects and engineers who created Grails and have spent their careers supporting and maturing it! The Object Computing Grails Team includes the Grails co-founders and subject matter experts from around the globe.
Services include:
- Migration assistance
- Backup support for your development team
- Whole project outsourcing
- Customization and enhancement of the Framework to suit your needs
- Architecture and design review
- Rapid prototyping, troubleshooting, and debugging
- Feature and application development
- Integration assistance and support
- Up to 24/7 commercial support
- Professional online or on-site training for your team
Introducing Grails 4: Upgrades & New Features
📅: Wednesday, March 27, 2019.
⏳: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CDT.
📍: Online.
💵: Free.
- Differences between Grails 3 and Grails 4.
- Key upgrades and new features.
- Why Spring loaded is out, and how this impacts your Grails applications.
- What Micronaut integration means for you
What to expect from the upgrade effort going forward.
▶ Gatling Fundamentals
Follow-up from last week Gatling related issue. I have completed the [Gatling Fundamentals] course by @james_willett1 and it is rock solid. Highly recommended. Also, great companion source code repository.
OCI is the only company that has a Groovy contributor on the payroll, Paul King. Thus, Groovy is tragically underfunded.
I've seen the initiative to create a donation mechanism to support Groovy development brewing in the Groovy Mailing list for a while. See link to the open collective below.
Honestly, I have not chimed in the discussion because although it seemed like a good idea, I am skeptical about the initiative.
Cons - Paying for things:
If you have ever tried to sell any paid app in either App Store or Google Play, you have seen that people is terrible about paying for certain things on the internet. The app is great but for 2.99 € I need to give you 0 stars.
You may think programmers are better. Well, try doing the next experiment. Google any of your favourite programming books with the suffix PDF. Chances are you will get a free PDF in a shady server in the first results page. I pay for my programming books but if this exists is because programmers are easily lured into piracy.
Aside: Since Google knows every book name on the planet, could they fight this piracy? I think they could fight it easily, but I am afraid they don't want to. Another don't be evil example? 😏
Cons - The Groovy Community niche
I have been writing this newsletter for almost 4 years, I love the Groovy community but it is not a big community. How big is the part of this niche community willing to support financially Groovy's development? Hopefully, I am proven wrong but I am afraid the number will be disheartening. Sometimes is better not to know.
Hope - A channel for companies using Groovy to fund their technology
My hope is that small companies using Groovy see this as an easy channel to fund Groovy's development. Which is an intelligent business decision if you do your business with Groovy., Level Data, Salenda, AgoraPulse have already done it. Hopefully, other companies follow their lead.
Please, donate. Every little donation helps!
Sergio del Amo