Groovy regular expressions - the definitive guide
Great post about RegEx and Groovy by @wololock.
Bonus: Amazing performance comparison with beautiful charts.
I think the most of us agree that Groovy syntax for handling regular expressions operations is much cleaner and more concise. We can express complex expectations using more declarative and accurate syntax. However, what is the performance cost?
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Salenda: Micronaut and Grails Development
Salenda, Greach 2019 gold sponsor, pioneered Groovy and Grails training services with Escuela de Groovy more than a decade ago.
Nowadays, they have embraced Micronaut; and they continue to be a go-to company for any Groovy/Grails/Micronaut development needs.
If you are seeking for a technology partner, say hello Salenda crew at Greach!
Micronaut RabbitMQ
Support of RabbitMQ for Micronaut has been probably the biggest feature request we got since 1.0.
Micronaut 1.1.0, currently in RC1, ships with Micronaut RabbitMQ; a module to ease the integration between Micronaut and RabbitMQ.
RabbitMQ RPC and Micronaut
In this guide, we are going to create three microservices and communicate each other with RabbitMQ using the request-response pattern with RPC (Remote Procedure Call).
Event driven applications with RabbitMQ and Micronaut
In this guide, we are going to create two microservices that will use RabbitMQ to communicate each other in an asynchronous and decoupled way.
Hazelcast Cache Integration for Micronaut
This repository contains Hazelcast Cache Integration for Micronaut. Similar to Spring and Grails, Micronaut provides a set of caching annotations. This integration contains an implementation of SyncCache interface to provide caching features with Hazelcast.
Awesome that the community is creating integrations for Micronaut already!
Sample Application of Hazelcast Cache Integration for Micronaut
This repository contains a sample counter application for demonstrating Hazelcast Cache Integration for Micronaut.
ASIDE: Micronaut is exposing me to a wider developer community than I was used to. Another sample Micronaut app built with Maven. I love Gradle but it seems the 60-70% Maven market share is real.
Micronaut 1.1 RC1 has been released. 🥁We are getting closer to 1.1
On the meanwhile, I am busy organising the latest details of Greach 2019 which starts on Thursday. If you come to Greach, please say hello.
Sergio del Amo