Apache Groovy: the language and the ecosystem
Great deck by @saikos. It provides a complete overview of the language and the ecosystem. 108 slides! Bookmark it because it is a great resource to advocate for Groovy.
How to publish your Grails 3 plugin to Bintray
Bintray is the recommended way to publish your Grails 3 plugins. @benorama's post is a brilliant guide to setup Bintray and configure your Grails 3 plugin to use it.
Publishing Grails 3 Plugins
@bobywarner answers your questions about Grails 3 plugin publishing.
What is the package naming standard? How to change the Group ID? How to change the plugin's name? ...
A must read before publishing.
Mastering Grails 3 Plugins
Time to master Grails plugin development. @alvaro_sanchez's Greach talk is full of tips about how to build succinct, modular Grails 3 plugins.
Specially awesome is the concept of using Grails 3 profiles to test your plugins.
AWS SDK Plugins for Grails 3
@benorama has released a initial set of Grails 3 plugins for AWS. You can use them to consume services such as S3, SES, SQS, DynamoDB, Kinesis.
We host our Grails 3 App in AWS and as you can imagine this announcement is of great interest to us.
A couple of months ago Mandrill , our transactional email provider, announced it planned to close its normal operations. Because of that we have moved to SES (AWS Simple Email Service) for transactional emails (reset password emails, etc) . It is a great plugin and I have even contributed a couple of pull requests to the AWS SES Grails 3 plugin 😙. Check it out!
Using http/2 with Grails 3
Grails 3 uses Spring Boot. That association makes easy to change the underlying servlet container. @nulleric's post shows how to change it to Undertow and use characteristics such as http/2.
Zero to Ratpack - Part 3
Nice to see that @kyleboon got energised in Greach 2016 and continued his Zero To Ratpack blog post series.
Each time I go to a Groovy event, I keep seeing the Ratpack momentum growing. Documentation and tutorials such as this post are key to the framework success.
This is the build your own Grails 3 plugin issue. It contains the links you need to get you started ( from development to release) until you master Grails 3 plugin development.