HTTP Requests Library
The HTTP Requests library is a wrapper around popular HTTP client libraries that provides a clean and simplified interface to make HTTP requests.
Although I've not yet tested the library it looks really complete and well documented. I has a nice modularisation with support for Jersey 1, Jersey 2 and even a grails plugin. Moreover, who can resist a sexy closure syntax 💪
â–¶ Seriously, Use Groovy NOW
Yes, I really cannot resist to link to @kevinkousen's content. He makes programming learning didactic and entertaining.
Ignore Specifications Based On Conditions
I recently needed to ignore a test if run by a Jenkins Job and the IgnoreIf annotation in Spock saved my day.
As he always does, explainer in chief @mrhaki shows you how.
Introducing continuous deployment to a Fresh Grails Project
Ivan Zerin shows you how to create a continuous deployment pipeline with: - Bitbucket as VCS - codeShip as Build Platform - OpenShift and hosting.
Yes, I am completely amazed too by the number of hosted build tools out there. Every week i discover a new one.,, ...
How to use a specific version of GORM in Grails 3
Another example of how easy is to override a Grails 3 configuration thanks to Gradle. Really cool that @graemerocher is publishing these gems to his blog.
A Continuous Deployment Pipeline with Gradle and Docker
Great blog posts series by @gesellix which illustrates in detail how to use Gradle and Docker.
Build performance is a feature
Really detailed post by @CedricChampeau about how they tackle performance at Gradle. Learn about Gradle daemon, incremental builds, how Gradle compares with Maven … 6x faster Wow!
This issue contains a lot of continuous delivery content with the actors which you may expect: Docker, Gradle... Moreover, there are several Spock, Grails and Groovy goodies.
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