▶ Make your Asciidoctor Groovy
Stephan Classen's talk was one of my favourites talks in Greach 2016. I was waiting for the video to link to it.
First he explains the differences between Asciidoc vs Asciidoctor and praises the Asciidoc capabilities. Later he shows how to create a asciidoctor documentation with screenshots which are captured on-the-fly with Geb. 🙃
He has a github repo with the talk's slides and code examples
We are getting out of excuses to have outdated documentation.
Introducing The http-requests Library
Last week, I posted to the http-requests library documentation. This week I link to @budbyrd's posts about the why and how he created/designed the http-requests library. It is always nice to hear the motivation behind any open source work.
groovy-wslite - SOAP - Rest Webservice
Groovy WSLite developed by @jwagenleitner eases your work with JSON but apparently shines if you have to deal with SOAP.
I have personally not worked with SOAP but lately I am meeting a lot of programmers who do. This should come handy.
The groovy network libraries force awakens!
Groovy is Java is Groovy..
The very last sentence of @RalfDMueller' posts says it all.
this is very old knowledge, but sometimes the good things have to be repeated over and over again…
An awesome example of how well Java and Groovy play together.
Automatically unrolling all parameterized Spock test in the whole project
In Spock; a method annotated with @Unroll will have its iterations reported independently. With a where block and data variables you can do some nifty stuff and create comprehensive test reports
@solidblogsoft has created an extension which will make unroll all your tests automatically. If you need to disable this global unrolling, you can disable it for a particular class or method.
Monitor your Grails 3 app performance with XRebel
We are currently using New Relic to monitor the performance of our API which is developed with Grails 3.1.6. We found a weird issue where apparently New Relic is missreporting some info for Grails 3 apps. A quick search in the slack channel told me that some of you were using XRebel to monitor performance.
This link shows how to configure XRebel with Grails 3. Spoiner alert: It is really really easy.
Running Tests Continuously
I was not aware of the test-app -continuous extra option in Grails. Yet again, @mrhaki (explainer in chief) shows us a cool feature.
If you use the flag, Grails monitors for changes in class files, automatically compiles the code and executes the tests again.
I have not yet seen the myriad of Greach 2016's videos which have been uploaded to Youtube. I attended the conference but I have homework. That it is: Watch the talks I did not attend live. So, expect Greach content in the next weeks.
This week set of links is a remix of performance monitoring, testing and network libraries. Enjoy!
Groovy Calamari