Scraping with Groovy
I've been doing a lot of scraping lately and I am fortunate enough to talk at GR8Conf 2016 about Geb Scraping 💃💃💃. Â
There are not many posts out there about using Geb for scraping. However, this introduction by @marioggar is a nice glimpse of Geb potential in that area.
If you have not yet bought the ticket for GR8Conf EU, hurry up. The conference date is coming fast.
Future-proof scaffolding with the Fields plugin
@rfletcherEW talk at GR8Conf US 2012 is the introduction to the Grails Fields plugin. Specially cool is the demo code starting at minute 20.
The slides are available too.
Grails Fields plugin documentation
You should bookmark this one. If you ever need to use the fields plugin it will come to rescue.
Customizing Grails Scaffolding with the Fields Plugin
One of @ericfosterjohns's sentences, in his Grails Fields Plugin introduction, summarises it perfectly: You can customize one small piece without having to mess with the whole thing
He explains how to modify slightly the fields templates to improve accessibility or adapt a style such as Twitter Bootstrap.
Grails Fields Plugin: select with internationalized labels
This post by @MarHoSo shows how create a HTML select element where the option text is internationalised (values stored in the i18n properties files) using the Fields plugin.
Upgrading to Grails 3
It was always nice to read a real life retrospective of a migration of a production app from Grails 2 to Grails 3. Read about @nulleric's journey.
If you create a Grails 3 app with the default web profile and run the generate-views command for one of your domain classes you will see the Grails Fields plugin in action inside your GSP. E.g. <f:all bean="book"/>
This issue will feed you with the knowledge you need the get the most out of the Fields plugin.
Groovy Calamari