Functional Groovy
Nice deck by @crazy4groovy. With topics that usually don't get a lot of coverage; curry, recursion...
If you are into Vert.x, this extension module for vertx-groovy adds methods and syntactic sugar. Thanks @ArnaudEsteve
Grails Quickcast #3: Multi-Project Builds
@graemerocher explains how to setup a multi-project build in Grails 3.
Specially interesting the second part of the video. He explains the advantages of the grails plugin block and how to reduce build code duplication. A problem you will face once you dive into multi-project build waters.
Too Fast For Our Own Good
If you war using Redis in a Grails App as we do, this post is a must read.
@ctoestreich, contributor of the Grails Redis plugin, walks you through the performance issues they have encountered, the why and how to solve them. Learn how to design your key patterns and use them in the most efficient way.
Gradle and Kotlin, a personal perspective
Excellent post by CedricChampeau about the Gradle / Kotlin decision. As someone who works for Gradle Inc and is an Apache Groovy committer, his point of view is probably the most informed you can find out there. He goes deep into the technical details about the decision too.
A follow up to that post is the excellent Groovy Podcast interview to Cedric.
▶ Continuous Delivery as Code with Jenkins and Gradle
I was fortunate enough to attended @alexsotob's talk at Greach. He showed a lot of energy through the presentation. Something you will see in the video too.
First walks you through the lifecycle of development/testing/deployment, later he shows you how the Jenkins Pipeline Plugin can aid you at these stages.
Links to reflection posts, links to interesting groovy projects and a great Grails Screencast. This is today's cocktail.
I'll be next week in GR8Conf Eu. I hope to see some of you there. Say Hello!
Groovy Calamari