Groovy is winning in the end
The Kotlin elephant was a recurring topic of conversation during the conference. @kenkousen's keynote encourage us to fight perceptions with reality. I am on the camp too that Groovy needs evangelism and it is on us to do it.
This post by @alexblanquart sees the glass half full.
Do you want to see the glass half empty? Checkout @halyph's analysis about the state of JVM languages
Complex UI elements in Geb browser tests
Do you need to move a slider? enter text in a textfield? execute a javascript method? @craigatk1 shows you how to do it in Geb.
Injecting additional javascript libraries into a page with geb
Would you like to call the query show() method in a page but there is no jQuery. No worries, @tomaslin shows you how to inject an additional library in your page's DOM with Geb. And voila, your favourite method available!
Grails 3.2 milestone 1 released
I was fortunate enough to attend @graemerocher's Grails Keynote and GORM talk. To hear from the voice of Grails project's lead the motivations behind GORM travel from procedural metaprogramming enhancement to ASTs to mostly Traits is something invaluable which you get from these conferences.
Biggest news: RxGORM! A implementation of GORM based on RxJava. Initially with MongoDB and REST implementations. SQL implementations will come later. @graemerocher demo it and it looks really awesome.
Call findAll and get Observables back!
Alexa, Tell Me I'm Groovy!
Since Shoptimix is on essence a Shopping list App, Voice assistant technology is an area which we are looking into with most interest. We see a clear use case there.
Thus, I was really looking forward to @RyanVanderwerf's talk. The talk showed the possibilities of deploying echo services built with Groovy. Via Lambda or a standalone Grails 3 App.
Astonishingly, he somehow managed to finish and publish the Alexa Skills Grails 3 Plugin during the conference.
Checkout a couple of Ryan's repositories to learn more:
Back from GR8Conf EU. My first time there. @sbglasius and the rest of the crew put together a great show. The talks were great but everything else (venue, food, coffee ) was excellent too. Specially enjoyed the atmosphere around the hackergarten, the puzzlers and meet & great. The workshops' day was nice too. Hope to make it back next year
I did a scraping with Geb talk. Therefore, no surprise if this issue contains a couple of excellent Geb links which I gathered while preparing the talk.
Sergio del Amo