Writing AST Transformations - Get Practical in 90 minutes
@jbaruch walks through the AST Transformations topic with code examples and a lot of care. If you want to learn about this complicated topic, this video is a good starting point.
Conferences & Events
GR8Conf Europe registration ends in a week
Hurry up!. GR8Conf Europe registration ends May 15. As they say GR8Conf celebrates its seventh year in a row gathering the bright minds of the Groovy ecosystem.
Groovy Podcast
I have a big commute to go to work everyday. Thus I listen to a lot of Podcasts and Audiobooks. If you are like me, don't miss out the Groovy Podcast; hosted by Peter Ledbrook, Ken Kousen.
Automated tests with Geb, Spock and Groovy
Mirosław Gołda posted a nice introduction to functional testing with a Gradle, Groovy, Geb and Spock stack. Great read if you need to validate HTML code. It looks even promising to create scrapers and bots.
Sponsored Jobs
Spring Security with Grails 3
If you can't wait until @burtbeckwith migrates Spring Security Core Plugin to Grails 3, you may want to look at Eric Kelm Github repo which shows how to use Grails 3 and Spring Security.
[SPANISH] Websockets and Spring Boot
pabloalba shows how to create a Web chat with Web Sockets, Groovy and Spring Boot. Really cool talk! When I started coding web sites, we use transparent tables to create layout. Now I can't avoid to smile when I see web sockets in action. We have come quite far!
Every year there is a trendy topic. I remember a couple of years ago when congresses featured numerous hexagonal talks. Testing have been a hot topic for a while. I don't know about you but lately I have the feeling that microservices is our new favorite conversation. Don't get me wrong, I like the microservices concepts but I would like us to discuss it with more detail. I want practical implementation talks. How do you implement a set of secured microservices where all of them are secured but only one of them takes care of security? What about database integrity? Should we go one db per micro services or is it ok to share a database among multiple micro services? What is best for communication JSON end points or event queues? I think we will talk about microservices still for while.
Groovy Dev Weekly