GrooCSS, Groovy to CSS
We already had Grooscript, a library to convert groovy code to javascript.
Now @adamldavis introduces us to Groocss. You write your CSS with Groovy in a more structured way than pure CSS and then you convert it to CSS; similar to Less.
Fasten your seatbelts. A new slide is coming to @ilopmar's talk: Mum, I want to be a Groovy full-stack developer 😉
Workshop to learn about Spock Framework
@ticketbiseng have put together a Spock workshop.
You will learn about:
- Basic testing handling exceptions and Data Driven Testing
- Usage of fixture methods
- Usage of Mocks and Stubs
With solutions in another git branch. Don't cheat. 😈
Geb Functional Testing Unleashed
I am a big Geb junkie and @craigatk's talk Geb tips & Tricks made me write down four pages of sketches in my notebook. My highlights:
- How to capture Javascript errors with Geb.
- Concept of Strongly typed Page Objects. I think I am going to use this at work because I often ask myself "Which page are we now in ?" while reading my own code. 😔
- WebDriver Manager library by Boni Garcia to download and configure your Driver for your OS.
Really looking forward to see the video of this talk.
RxJava for Grails
I've talked in previous issues about RxGORM. RxJava plugin for Grails aims to:
Integrate RxJava with the controller layer of Grails to complete the picture and enable complete end-to-end integration of RxJava with Grails.
@graemerocher and the rest of the OCI Grails team keep navigation the Grails ship across the asynchronous and event-based world.
Checkout a Gist Example if you are curious.
Simple AsciiDoc Build with Gradle
You want to start writing technical documentation with AsciiDoc and Gradle but do not know where to start. @RalfDMueller shows you how.
Asciidoc - Include Partial Parts from Code Samples
The previous link showed you how to start. Now, @mrhaki helps you integrate you real code in the Asciidoc documentation. There is no better way to way to keep the documentation up to date.
Android / iOS
From Grails to Android
I believe most future Grails programmers will be people with mobile development backgrounds trained to help out in the backend. That it is why presentations such as the one by @brwngrldev at GR8Conf US are so important. She compares Grails and Android development around four topics:
- Project structure - Grails MVC vs Android more opened landscape with patterns such as MVP (Model View Presenter)
- User interface - Grails GSP and now JSON Views vs Android XML and assets convention themes, images, colores etc.
- Dependency injection- Spring vs Dagger
- Persistence - GORM vs SQLite / REALM
I am still digesting the GR8ConfUS great content. This issue contains already some highlights but expect more #gr8conf content this August.
Apologies for previous email mistake. I stated the post: Upgrading to Grails 3 was 8 months old when it is actually 1 month old. That it is to say everything described in that post is more relevant. For example, IntelliJ problems which are still unresolved.
Groovy Calamari