Groovy in the cloud
Slides from a talk at UberConf 2016 by @danveloper where he highlights how the combination of technologies such us Ratpack, Groovy Lambda, Sshoogr, Jenkins Job DSL, Spinnaker and Groovy are perfect fit for the cloud.
Integrated vs Functional testing: how to test REST APIs in Grails using Spock
@aruizca shows how to use the REST Client build client to create end-to-end tests for a REST API in a Grails 2 app.
I linked before in this newsletter to a talk titled Testing with Grails 3 by @jeffscottbrown where he describes the same approach for a Grails 3 app. Of course with the few changes imposed by Grails 3 regarding integration tests (e.g. @Integration annotation instead of IntegrationSpec extension).
That it is to say. If you are still in Grails 2 this approach will transition perfectly once you move to Grails 3.
GORM 6 - Spring Container-free
The OCI Grails team announced the release of Grails 3.2 Milestone 2, which includes GORM 6 Milestone 2
They describe the GORM release as the biggest release ever!
There are many new things about GORM 6. For example, I talked in a previous issue about RxGORM. The ability to use GORM without Spring is a huge thing and I think it will increase GORM adoption beyond Grails apps and into other frameworks and apps.
Example of adding Spring Rest Docs to a Grails 3 App
@codeJENNerator shows in this Github repository how to integrate Spring Rest Docs with Asciidoc to generate API rest documentation for a Grails 3 App.
Check out an example of the documentation generated.
If you speak Spanish, checkout the talk Usa los Test para Documentar tus servicios REST con Grails by @jagedn
Upgrading to Grails 3
Blog post by @WhyPhilip which summarises some of the challenges you will face while migrating from Grails 2 to Grails 3: New Tech, Configuration, IntelliJ, Plugins.
The post is 8 months old. I believe some of the described issues are now solved. Nonetheless, they are good points. Written in June 2016. I will recommend anyone performing a migration to read as many posts as this one as possible. Search the archives of this newsletter, I've linked to a couple of similar posts already. It will save you some valuable time and give you a better understanding about the changes you will face.
With GR8Conf US around the corner I expect many great talks to popup in the coming weeks and fuel this newsletter. I bet Grails 3.2 stable release may come out just ready for the conference. Indeed, a lot GORM 6 stuff is already previewing (more about it in a later link).
Get your Groovy appetite ready with the next links.
Groovy Calamari