Grails 3.1.9 Functional Test Port
Since Grails 3.1.9
Integration Test Port Integration and functional tests now run on a random port instead of the same port as the application by default
This change broke some of our tests. We fixed it the same way @beckje01 describes in this post. Learn how to get hold of the random serverPort where your app is running.
Moreover, If you don't want your integration / functional tests to run in a random port, you can use the @WebIntegrationTest(randomPort=false) annotation at the top of your tests.
Use Random Server Port in Integration Tests
Before random ports where the default in Grails 3 Integration tests, @mrhaki showed us how to achieve randomness leveraging the Spring Boot capabilities underneath Grails 3.
Grails Dropwizard metrics plugin
GR8Conf EU crew published the video of @jeffscottbrown's talk Monitoring And Metrics With Grails 3 to Youtube. This was one of the talks which I was not able to attend and I was looking forward for the video. Unfortunately the video's audio is not great but I was able to follow with the auto generated subtitles.
Jeff explains the capabilities of the Grails DropWizard plugin with code examples.
- How to setup meters and Timers
- How to create a service triggered by a Job which outputs some of the captured metrics as log statements.
I am looking forward to connect this to a Dashboard app such as Numerics.
Create a Secured Restful API App with Grails 3, PostgreSQL and JMS
This ongoing series of blog posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) by Giridhar Pottepalem is step by a step tutorial to create a REST API connected to a PostgresSQL database, authenticated with Spring Security Core and Grails Spring Security REST plugin.
I would like to call your attention towards Step 15 bottom of the second post; Lockdown Spring Boot Actuator end-points
Why Should Java Developers Give Grails a Chance?
@GregorAmbrozic praises the adoption of Grails to speed up your development. You will find references to some of Groovy wonders (working with collections, manipulating dates) and some of the nice features which Grails offers: Conventions, GORM, Rich Plugin ecosystem...
A good post to send to your Java friends.
Deploying Gradle Apps on Heroku
We hosts our Grails 3 app in AWS. However Heroku is another great option to host Grails 3 or Ratpack apps (Gradle Apps). Check out their documentation to give you a heads start.
Back from holidays and this issue gets back to the Grails 3 theme.
Videos of GR8Conf EU have began to appear in Youtube. Stay tuned for more GR8 content in the coming weeks.
Groovy Calamari