â–¶ Groovy and Java 8
@kenkousen talked at the Boston Groovy Grails & Spring Meetup about how Java 8 and Groovy compare.
I am a bit out of shape about changes introduced in Java 1.8. Normally I only code in Java for Android, with 1.7 source compatibility on. If you are like me and you need to get to speed about Java 1.8 this is a good talk.
You can check the Github repo as well.
Groovy, Web Services and OBIEE 12c
What a praise to the networking library groovy-wslite developed by @jwagenleitner
But closures are the real reason that projects like groovy-wslite are so perfect, and how they make DSL possible. It’s a pleasure to use external projects when the implementation methods are self-describing
The post written by @stewartbryson shows how to use the library to connect to SOAP and REST services.
â–¶ Retrieving Runtime Config Values In Grails 3
As I always say, I hope @jeffscottbrown and the rest of OCI keep doing these Grails quick casts. They bring a lot of value and give light to Grails good practices.
You will learn why you should use GrailsConfigurationAware or @Value annotation instead of calling grailsApplication directly in your controller and service methods. That way, you will avoid retrieving the config value every time method is invoked.
Checkout the companion Blog Post.
Monitoring Grails Apps The Easy Way
In this post, @ericfosterjohns talks about how to use Spring Boot actuators to monitor your Grails apps.
Actuators provide data on your running application through JSON endpoints.
He talks about how to enable, extend and visualise them with the help of Dropwizards metric library and the Actuator UI Plugin.
Actuator-UI Plugin
In the previous link we learn about Spring Boot Actuators and how we can leverage them in Grails 3.
Learn now about UI Actuator plugin by @dhirajmahapatro for Grails. It brings life to your application’s health and metrics data. Checkout this awesome 30s demo video
â–¶ Overview of the Ratpack Web Framework
In this free Oreilly video presentation, @danveloper talks ratpack. He covers:
- Why Ratpack supports not just Java but Groovy as a first time citizen.
- Ratpack modules instead of plugins
- Dependency injection ( Guice or Spring Boot )
- Ratpack awesome gradle integration
- Handlers ( A marriage between filters and servlets )
Specially interesting the part where he explains how Ratpack helps to tackle asynchronous.
I've moved the schedule of Groovy Calamari to Friday afternoon (Spain time). It fits better my timetable and I hope it makes me send it every Friday no matter what. If you you have any comments please hit reply.
This issue is plagued with actuators and configuration. Happy weekend 🎉
Groovy Calamari