Groovy Calamari Support
Why Test Engineers Should Learn Geb and Spock
@jeff_nyman introduces Geb and Geb in combination with Spock to anyone looking for a browser automation testing solution.
The Magic Behind the Spock
@dawidkublik shows, with a specification decomposition, how Spock leverages Groovy AST capabilities to create such a joyful test syntax and capabilities.
How to upload a file with Grails 3
In the latest guide you will learn:
- How to encapsulate your upload file requests in command objects.
- How to control the allowed file size configuration.
- How to save your files in the database as byte[]
- How to save your files to a folder.
- How to save your files into AWS S3.
Delegate Build And Run Actions To Gradle In IntelliJ IDEA
This week, I was having problems running a big multi-project Gradle project in IntelliJ. One of the modules was huge Java module. In the command line, Gradle was able to compile everything, but IntelliJ was having difficulties. Fortunately, as @mrhaki illustrates it is possible to delegate the build and run actions of your projects to Gradle in IntelliJ with a simple checkmark.
Getting Started Deploying Ratpack Apps
A couple of weeks ago, I linked to a guide which showed how to deploy a Grails 3 app into Pivotal Web Services.
Fortunately, the documentation includes as well Ratpack instructions. If you have Ratpack project, PWS is another deployment option for you.
This issue illustrates the richness of the Groovy ecosystem. Links to Grails, Gradle, Ratpack, Spock, Geb. Enjoy!
Sergio del Amo