▶ Hacking the Grails Spring Security Plugins
@burtbeckwith starts with a discussion of filters in Spring Security Core and Grails. Then, he discusses how to customize the plugin by:
- Overriding beans
- Customizing bean properties
- Custom User Detail Service
- Custom Authentication Provider
- Custom Post-Logout behavior
Checkout the slides.
Custom authentication with the Grails Spring Security Plugin
Great post by @objectpartners. They show, step by step, how to create a custom authentication mechanism backed by Spring Security Core. It introduces the characters involved in getting a custom authentication working:
- Authentication Provider
- Authentication Filter
- Authentication Token
I migrated the example to Grails 3
Hacking Custom Authentication Providers with Grails Spring Security
Imagine you want to do something like this:
An app exposes a REST API that needs a special custom security provider. The client is issued an API key when they purchase the COTS product, and (basically) a hash of this key is remoted by a rich client during the authentication process so they can access backend services. However they can also access parts of the app using a normal browser interface with a user password and standard “remember me” features.
@glen_a_smith shows you how to do it!
Building an Apple TV app with Grails
Last Monday, I published a Grails Guide which illustrates how easy it is to create an Apple TV app with Grails; using Apple's framework TVML. Grails aids in the generation of XML with Markup views and the management of the necessary Javascript with Asset-Pipeline plugin.
Greach Apple TV Giveaway
If you are coming to Greach, stop by the OCI table to check out the Apple TV app with Grails demo, say hi to the OCI Grails team, collect some Grails swag, and enter to WIN A FREE APPLE TV!
▶[SPANISH] Develop apps for Apple TV with Grails 3
I gave this talk at the latest Madrid Groovy User Group. I introduced Grails 3 TVML Plugin; a plugin, in development, to facilitate the coding of TVMLKit applications for tvOS. I did demo the development of TVML app with Grails.
Greach is almost here. March 30th to April 1st, 2017. I will be giving a talk about Grails Interview Questions. If you are coming, please say hello.
Jeff Brown's training, next level Grails in two days comes even sooner, 28th and 29th of March. If you have not registered yet, I believe you can still enroll last minute.
This issue covers two topics: Developing custom authentication with Grails Spring Security Core and developing apps for Apple TV with Grails.
Sergio del Amo