Groovy SQL - an easy way to database scripting
@MarekSmet published a blog post where he praises Groovy as a language to create scripts to deal with database processes. You will see how to setup a database connection, perform select and update queries and even batch processing.
I've been coding similar scripts in the last weeks. I could not agree more; Groovy shines for such tasks.
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Lessons learned teaching Groovy/Grails
@JacobAae talked at GR8Conf about his experience teaching Groovy and Grails Course at University of Souther Denmark.
I am looking forward to the video of this talk to come out. Slides are not the best media for such a talk where I assume he reflects about the lessons learned. However, I did not want to miss the opportunity to point out that fortunately Groovy and Grails are appearing in academia.
Event-Driven plugins with grails 3
@goeh talk at GR8Conf shows how to communicate with events in Grails. Grails 3 includes event support based on the Reactor library. The slides are a great introduction of events in Grails 3 and contain some nice code examples about how to trigger and receive events. How to consume event replies or event trigger events after commits.
I attended @goeh talk at Greach, Cut your application to pieces . I was amazed by the incredible separation of concerns that he has achieved with the use plugins in Grails. I imagine he is working in migrating every plugin to grails 3 and taking advantage of events in Grails 3. That will be the cherry on top of the cake.
Infrastructure automation with Gradle and Puppet
@codingandrey talk in latest GR8Conf was of great interest to me. At our company we are in the middle of architecting the deployment of several web apps and processes in AWS. The slides focus on automation and the concept of infrastructure as code.
Moreover I discovered sshoogr. A Groovy-based DSL library working with remote servers through SSH. This is definitely going in my toolbox.
Groovy DevOps in the Cloud, another talk of @codingandrey is published in Youtube and deals with similar points.
Making Java Groovy
This is an old video from JavaOne 2013 but was published last week in the JavaOne Youtube channel. It is a good reminder of how well Java and Groovy play together.
Out Groovy Dev Weekly in Groovy Calamari
I've decided to rename this newsletter to Groovy Calamari. Why? the previous name created confusion with @glaforge's Groovy Weekly. Why did I choose Groovy Dev weekly? I was inspired by iOS Dev Weekly. A newsletter which allowed me to keep up with iOS news for the past years.
So I've moved to a name which I think its going to be easier to remember. And why not, it is cool to have a robotic squid as a logo.
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Groovy Dev Weekly