Take and Drop Items from a List
@mrhaki explains:
With the take() method we get items from the beginning of the List. We pass the number of items we want as an argument to the method. To remove items from the beginning of the List we can use the drop() method. Here we pass the number of items we want to drop as an argument to the method
Drop or Take Elements with Condition
@mrhaki explains:
we also can use the dropWhile() and takeWhile() methods and use a closure to define a condition to stop dropping or taking elements.
Make Your Groovy Objects More Bullet-Proof
@tvinke explains why he created two Groovy AST transformations: such as @ValueObject and @NonNull to bypass the limitation that @Immutable
transformation prevent classes from setting explicit constructors.
Execute groovy scripts on travis-ci
Since I joined OCI, I have been working more and more with Travis. It often involves writing bash scripts. It is nice to see this effort by @kdabir to be able to write Groovy scripts instead.
Gradle for DevOps
Collection of posts which gives you many reasons why you should use Gradle in your project:
Build a Ratpack application which uses GORM
Grails Guide which explains how to build a Ratpack application which uses GORM as data access toolkit.
September is already here. It always felt to me as the beginning of the year. I hope you had a wonderful summer and let us see what this new academic year bring for us. As an appetizer, several links to Groovy, Gradle and Ratpack.
Sergio del Amo