Groovy: What happens when you assign a BigInteger to an Integer
Type conversion nuances are always fun. @therealdanvega does an excellent job explaining which may look like pure randomness.
Grails 3.3 Integration Testing with Spock Mocks
Grails 3.3. ships with Spock 1.1. @tvinke keeps explaining features of Spock 1.1 which we can leverage in Grails 3.3. This time, he shows how to use DetachedMockFactory to mock a service in a functional test.
I can see people mocking the WelcomeEmailService
in their RegisterIntegrationSpec
as I write.
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ONLINE Groovy Metaprogramming Course - Oct 5th, 6th - 50$‼️
OCI sponsors not just Grails Development but Groovy development too. OCI Groovy practice lead, Paul King, is going to be the instructor of our next ONLINE Course:
- Price: 50$
- Dates: Oct 5th, Oct 6th.
- Hours: 6
- Price 50$
Course Outline:
- Introduction to Metaprogramming
- Runtime Metaprogramming vs. Compile Time Metaprogramming
- ExpandoMetaClass
- Runtime Extension Methods
- AST Transformations
- AST Macros
- Traits
- Enhancing Grails Artefacts
- Debugging
Sponsored Jobs
Grails Job in Madrid, Spain
B2Boost is opening an office in Madrid and they are looking to hire people with Grails experience to join their IT Product Team.
Frontend framework knowledge such as Angular is optional but it will give you a head start.
Take it from someone living in Madrid area, Madrid is a great place to live.
▶ Vaadin 8 ♡ Grails 3
@maciejprzepiora presentation at GR8Conf EU 2017.
He gave a similar talk at GR8Conf US 2017. The latter presentation deck, 150 Slides, will allow you to follow the video even better.
If you need to build a rich UI application for any project, consider Vaadin 8 + Grails 3 combination.
Free Vaadin + Grails – Webinar - September 14th
Thursday, September 14, 2017, at 2 PM CEST
In this upcoming webinar, Grails and Vaadin 8 concepts will be introduced. Participants will witness how easy it is to make the two frameworks play nicely together, thanks to the power of Spring Boot.
Grails Events
We keep exploring the async features of Grails. This Grails Guide shows to handle a common scenario. A user registers himself in an application and the app sends the user a welcome email; asynchronously.
Writing Plugins for Gradle - ONLINE Course
There are few people in the world more knowledgeable about writing Gradle Plugins than @ysb33r. With several books published around the topic. I am sure the course will be good because I attended a workshop he taught at Greach about the same topic and it was one of the highlights of the conference for me.
Organize your calendar and learn Gradle Plugin development. I will do the same.
Course objectives:
- Write declarative DSLs to aid comprehensibility for build script authors
- Work with external tools and cache them without the need for installation.
- Craft plugins that are compatible with both Groovy & Kotlin DSLs.
- Use of lazy evaluation for maximum flexibility.
- Using configuration for internal and external usage.
- Multi-layer extensions for maximum task flexibility.
- Testing plugins for functionality and compatibility.
- Caching dependencies for testing.
- Publishing plugins for use and discoverability.
- Extending DevOps automation pipeline through Gradle plugin functionality
The Gradle build system- Tutorial
Probably the most comprehensive one-page introduction to Gradle which I have found online. Moreover, I have discovered cool snippets such as how to Trigger Gradle build from Java code.
This issue reflects that everyone is back to work after the summer. There are many webinars / courses in the short horizon. Check them out, learn.
Moroever, if you are looking for a Grails job in Madrid, check the last link of this issue.
Sergio del Amo