▶ GraphQL development with Groovy
Never heard of GraphQL? Don't worry. @marioggar's first part of his talk at Greach explains what GraphQL is and more importantly what it is not. Moreover, you will understand the problem that it is trying to solve.
In the second part of his talk, he introduces GQL (more in next link) and an example of a GraphQL Groovy application using GQL and Ratpack.
GQL is a Groovy library for GraphQL
GQL is a library created to make it easier to expose and consume GraphQL services.
GQL is a set of Groovy DSLs and AST transformations built on top of GraphQL-java to make it easier building GraphQL schemas and execute GraphQL queries without losing type safety.
Sponsored Link
Save $200 💵💵 at G3 Summit with discount code OCI200VIP
The Conference for the Apache Groovy, Grails, and Gradle Community.
- When: November 28 – December 1, 2017
- Where: Austin, TX, USA
- Speakers: Graeme Rocher, Josh Long, Venkat Subramaniam, Jeff Brown, Paul King, Kenneth Kousen...
Don't forget to use the OCI coupon code ( OCI200VIP) when registering. It is the highest discount code available for the G3 Summit 2017!
The biggest news it is that this year's G3 Summit includes several full-day training workshops which are included in the standard conference registration fee. Think about G3Summit as a combination of training plus talks.
I am really happy to be at G3 Summit too!
GORM + GraphQL released ‼️
@Schlogen has done a great job to bring GraphQL support to GORM. A huge addition to the GORM family.
Both a Core Library:
The GORM GraphQL library provides functionality to generate a GraphQL schema based on your GORM entities, the core library also provides default implementations of "data fetchers" to query, update, and delete data through executions of the schema.
And a Grails Plugin:
Grails Plugin:
A controller to receive and respond to GraphQL requests through HTTP, based on their guidelines. Generates the schema at startup with spring bean configuration to make it easy to extend. Includes a GraphiQL browser enabled by default in development. The browser is accessible at /graphql/browser. Overrides the default data binder to use the data binding provided by Grails Provides a trait to make integration testing of your GraphQL endpoints easier.
Sponsored Jobs
Hiring Grails, Groovy, Java developers in Madrid or Brussels
Would you like to work on your daily basis with these technologies/practices:
- Grails framework, Groovy, Gradle
- REST API design and implementation
- Functional programming style
- Continuous integration, Scalable Microservices architectures
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- Big Data processing frameworks, Non-relational databases
- Client-side technologies like HTML5, Javascript and Angular
- Intellij IDEA IDE
B2Boost, a company with 17 years on business, is looking to hire talented developers to join their IT Product Team.
Creating A Fully Executable Jar from a Grails 3 app
You are probably aware that you can execute a Grails 3 fat jar with java -jar
but being on top of Spring Boot has many advantages:
Another option is to create a fully executable jar or war file, which adds a shell script in front of the jar or war file so we can immediately run the jar or war file. The fully executable JAR file can only run on Unix-like systems and it is ready to be used as service using init.d or systemd.
Happy 9th Birthday Griffon! 🎂🎂🎂
A great retrospective by @aalmiray about Griffon's 9th birthday. My favorite paragraph:
Almost a year later some of the Griffon plugins were ported to Grails, such as the REST plugin. A few other features found in the Griffon CLI tool were also ported to Grails, like the auto completion of commands, inspired by the same feature found in the Gradle CLI tool. The Groovy ecosystem was buzzing with lots of cross-pollination and chatter among all projects
Publishing Tools
Asciidoctor Extensions
If you work in the Groovy Community, it is quite possible that you have written documentation with Asciidoc. @jagedn has published several extensions to Asciidoctor which may come handy:
- Google Analytics
- Disqus
- Collapsable
- Copy blocks
- Callouts tooltip
- Google Search
Ken Kousen on Java, Spring, and Groovy
Some believe that Game of Thrones Season 8 will air before the next Groovy Podcast.
If you are missing your Ken Kousen dose badly, you can listen to him talk about Java, Spring, and Groovy in the latest O'Reilly Programming Podcast. It is not the same without @jbaruch but ....
This is the GraphQL issue of Groovy Calamari. It contains several links to Groovy + GraphQL. 📢 Big news is the launch of GORM GraphQL ( see link below). With this first-class support of GraphQL, Grails keeps getting better and better as a backend for a mobile phone application.
Sergio del Amo