Groovy metaprogramming, grails and travis ci, learn how to create a gradle plugin...
In this issue you will find everything you need to get started with CodeNarc. Learn about Groovy sort and @Inmutable AST Transform
Grails 3 Multiproject, Groovy Categories, Rest API documentation and lots of Spock
Grails 3 Interceptors, AST Transforms, Groovy functional programming, Bean injection
Groovy DSLs example, Scripting, Traits and Ratpack Async programming
Improve your Groovy knowledge. Several links to make you a better Groovy developer
Christmas special, a list of my favourite software apps to help your groovy/grails development
A lot of GGX content: Traits, Spock, Grails Application Profiles, JSON Views and DSLs
Get ready for #GGX! Grails, GSP, Groovy Ratpack
A mix of links: Grails 3, Spock Book, Grails app architecture, Asset pipeline