Grooscript, a master gradle class within the griffon project and a Groovy Hackaton 🎉
Learn about AWS Lambda, Grails in IntelliJ 15, GR8 CRM, Geb and Ratpack
Grails 3 - Application Profiles, Traits, Events, Interceptors, Restful APIs.
A pure Ratpack edition. You will find lots of links to understand better the Ratpack toolkit.
Discover Grails 3 development and deployment tricks and Groovy on Android lazybones templates.
Use Grails to build REST-API, learn about Spock test-ordering, groovy compile-static and discover ngrok
Spring Security Plugin for Grails 3 and more nice content from the GR8Conf-US.
A lot of GR8Conf US material; Spock, Geb and yes microservices.
Spock, Geb, Android and great training material
Groovy Dev Weekly renamed to Groovy Calamari. Grails 3 Events, Groovy SQL, Gradle, Puppet and sshoogr