Interesting nooks and crannies of Spock
@SolidSoftBlog's talk is probably the most praised talk at GR8conf EU 2016. A collection of spock tips and tricks which will come in handy. Bookmark it!
So If You’re Using Tag Libraries for Your View Models You Have To Test Them, Right?
@tvinke shows in a great step by step post the how and most importantly the why about tag library testing in Grails.
Monitoring and Metrics with Grails 3
Monitoring Grails 3 performance is a topic of great interest to me. Unfortunately I could not attend @ jeffscottbrown's talk at Gr8conf EU because I was doing my Scraping with Geb talk at the same time.
Although the official talk's video is still not ready, you can see the talk in the livestream GR8Conf video feed and this link will open a small deck.
Alternative Groovydoc Plugin for Gradle
GroovyDoc aims to provide Groovy what Javadoc provides for Java.
You can generate Groovy Documentation with Intellij or using the Gradle Groovydoc plugin.
The Grails folks were experimenting performance issues and they have developed a new Gradle plugin.
Instead of generating the docs in the same JVM as Gradle, which is prone to cause conflicts and place strain on the memory consumption of the Gradle process, this plugin will fork a separate JVM for Groovydoc generation
I think this plugin was heavily pushed to fruition during Gr8Conf hackengarten. Kudos to @graemerocher!
Rapid Groovy Web Application Development with Ratpack
@Lspacewalker talk's documentation is awesome. I've seen frameworks with less documentation. The tutorial explains how to create a Ratpack JSON Api with a database access layer, touches the async capabilities of Ratpack and shows how to deploy the app to heroku. Great for Ratpack newbies such as me.
You can find the code in the talk's Github repo.
Android / iOS
How to Publish Your Android Studio Library to JCenter
A step by step build of how to publish your android library code to Bintray by @de_velopment. These posts are important. They show how easy is to share code nowadays.
This issue still feeds from GR8Conf content. Add salt and pepper, Grails Taglib testing and Groovydoc and we have this week's menu.
Groovy Calamari