Fully executable jars in Grails 3
We have some internal Grails 3 apps which I execute as fat jars. I run them with java -jar mygrails3app.jar
@mrhaki shows how to bring my game to the next level and generate fully executable jars in Grails 3.
CORS in Grails 3 Using an Interceptor
Back in Issue 20 I wrote about the topic of CORS in a Grails 3 app.
@bcswartz shows how to use a Grails 3 Interceptor to do the trick.
Building Alexa Skills with Grails
At issue 38 I wrote about the Alexa Skills Grails 3 plugin by @rwanderverf. He has now written a blog post where he explains, step by a step, how to use the plugin. Really useful stuff for those (such as myself) who want to try it out.
▶ Gradle 3.0. Preview
@hans_d's talk is a sneak preview into Gradle 3.0. Learn about
- Composite builds, a step towards distributed builds.
- The efforts being done to boost performance (dependency resolution, configuration time, script compilation, ...)
- Kotlin ALL IN reasons. (Great adoption, IDE support, static compilation...) If you want to jump to that point. Minute 15:55.
Will the usage of Groovy become deprecated? NO. We expect you will be able to build groovy scripts for the next five years. So, it will not be deprecated and it will continue to be supported.
Gradle 3.0 Unleash the daemon
@eriwen's talk at Gradle Summit 2016 shows the changes / improvements which Gradle 3.0 brings to the daemon 😈. Specially relevant is the fact that it will be enabled by default
Gradle: Distribution - Packing with Shadow
I am a big fan of the Gradle shadow plugin. We use it all the time. What is it? A fat JAR creator.
@johnrengelman's talk at Gradle summit 2016 goes beyond that simplified explanation and into a more detailed introduction of the plugin. How does it actually work and how to adjust it to your needs. E.g. exclude certain files, publishing ...
Remember, gradle knows... No, the shadow knows...
Checkout the talk repository.
I hope the start of the summer 🏄 is working well for everybody. It is hot in Spain. I can tell you that. However, keep expecting your weekly dose of Groovy content in the weeks to come. We are going to have a busy summer at Shoptimix. It normally translates for me in a lot of Groovy related topics research.
This issue contains good stuff from Gradle Summit 2016 23-24 June and several Grails 3 blog posts which caught my attention.
Groovy Calamari