Grails: Using database views
We use heavily database views at work. @mscharhag shows how it easy it is to map Domain Classes to views instead of tables.
Angular Scaffolding
I have no experience with Angular but it is obvious that it is piece of technology which has a lot of momentum and it will continue to have it. Thus, it is great that the Grails team pushes the integration of Angular and Grails. Grails has evolved and it integrates well with other technologies and it is a statement of its maturity.
In this video @Schlogen shows you how to start a simple blog project with Angular and Grails 3.
Checkout the video demo's Github repository
There is an excellent Grails Angular Scaffolding's blog post which covers the video material with a greater detail.
Introducing the Grails Schwartz Plugin
@bobbywarner and the agile orbit crew released an alternative to the Grails Quartz Plugin. This links points to the introductory blog post were you will find links to the the repository and an extensive documentation.
If you want to to catch a glimpse of how to get started, the Basic Tutorial section of the documentation is the place to go.
Javascript Based Internationalization in Grails
@aarifIg post introduced me the Grails i18n asset pipeline plugin. The plugin generates a JavaScript file with localized texts which can be used for client-side i18n. inside that file it contains a function named $L which can be called to obtain the localized message by a given code, e. g.:
No excuses in Grails to have any Ui text hardcoded in the middle of your code.
Generate REST API documentation with Asciidoctor and Gradle
At Shoptimix we develop an iOS and Android application which communicate with a REST API written in Grails 3. We documented the API in a Github Wiki page. Yes, I am struggling to keeping it up to date.
I want to move the documentation to AsciiDoc, integrate it in my project build and update it automatically with real code.
This links is a post by @jbnizet where he shows a manual approach to generate an API documentation with Asciidoctor and Gradle.
Android / iOS
Groovy Android Dagger
@andrewreitz_ maintainer of the Groovy Android Gradle Plugin uploaded a Github repository where he hosts an example Android app written in Groovy. It provides examples of how to use dagger (as well as other annotation processors), create extension methods, and how to setup custom compilation configurations.
Dagger is probably the most famous dependency injector for Android and Java. It is great to see examples of how to use common android technology pieces in the Android Groovy world.
Moreover, the App is called "Is Taylor Swift Single". 🙆🏼
I want to use this issue's prologue to thank all the plugin and projects authors in the Groovy Ecosystem. I've been seeing this trend for the past months. People are not only creating awesome open source plugins which make my life easier and my job possible. Heck, they are creating awesome documentation.
Sometimes, we ask questions which get on the creators' nerves. They have probably answered those questions in the documentation. It is on us, consumers, to thoroughly read the documentation and contribute back with pull request for bits we think could be bettered phrased.
Creators, we appreciate the great documentation you created. I do and I know most of the people reading this newsletter does too.
Groovy Calamari